Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I've slowly coming to life..

after another weekend spent not feeling well. And really that's an understatement! Both Parker and I had the flu! The lousy flu that you have high fevers, achiness that is just horrible, a headache and lack of ability to do anything! It seems especially cruel given I just had the stomach flu last weekend. So back to back weekends of horrible flu bouts is just not nice.

I yesterday took the day off. My first sick day in I don't know how many years. But there was no way I could physically take care of little ones when I needed someone to take care of me. Not that anyone around here could really do that. Thankfully Parker was able to go back today and I am back today too. Although not at 100% that is for sure. I think it will take a few more days before I start feelin that way. This is just too much in too short of time not to feel the effects.

So since I haven't been able to blog and share..I'll post a few more things for you to see from Paper Salon's Winter CHA release!

So that's it for today..hopefully tomorrow I'll have more energy than I currently do and will show some more Paper Salon.

Until then..

Julia (who doesn't want to ever have the flu again!)

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