10th Commandment: You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods. (Catholic version of the 10th Commandment.)
Introduction: Coveting means wanting something really bad. It includes jealousy, but also taking things from other people, or ruining them so they can’t have them. We can do this with people—have you ever heard people say, “He’s my friend, he can’t be yours!” Or with property—for example, you might be angry at your brother and don’t want him to have the last cookie, so you eat it or hide it on him. Coveting is a way of being mean. It starts in our thoughts when we judge others. We think about things we can’t have, or that we think others shouldn’t have and then sooner or later, we act on these thoughts.
This game is free, however it is only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.
Green With Envy: A game that helps children to recognize what coveting is and identify ways of how to keep the 10th commandment.

Directions- Print out Directions, cut it out, and glue on front of file folder.
Game Board- Print out Game Board, trim, and glue on the inside of the file folder. Make sure the directions are on the front of the file folder. Laminate or cover file folder with clear contact paper to make it last.
Question Cards- Print Question Cards out on card stock. Cut out Question Cards. Laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last. (Use only the questions that reflect your students abilities.)
Tokens- Print out several pages of Tokens on card stock. Cut out Tokens. Laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last.
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