I let "her" go...
I set her free. She was such a good friend, a confidant, a junk assistant. We spent so much time together, traveled together everywhere. Sometimes we'd listen to the radio and she didn't mind if I laughed out loud, and she didn't laugh when I sang out of tune. She listened to my every idea, she was with me when I needed to cry. She was mostly dependable...but a bit tempermental at times. Okay, I'll admit it, over the years she became a very "high need" friend. Well, "friend" might be a bit strong for our real relationship. My friend...ummm...my VAN. Well, the time had come. I had to bid my dear old van adieu. It went down the road this week. I have to admit I will miss the thing, it could haul alot of junk!

This is "middle child". (Will work for food)
Don't worry about me. I'm not giving up my junking habits. VAN has been replaced with SUV, and 4 wheel drive to boot! Now, it was a bit interesting cleaning out a
vehicle that's been around awhile. Doodles and writings of the children, $4.64 in change (that includes 79 pennies). An array of fast-food-high-quality-toys. Maybe they're worth money now! One sock, three fingernail clippers, and a single rose petal from my brother's funeral (has been with me every trip since... superstitious-no; sentimental-absolutely!). I'm looking forward to seeing how jamb packed I can get this vehicle...and now a hitch for the trailer...hmmm. This is going to be fun!
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