My vision for 2009 in words is here.
My vision for 2009 in pictures is here.
I'm so excited about so many and the year has just begun! This is one of the reasons I've set the intention to focus. I want to really embrace and experience life and my work fully in 2009. I want to love up my friends, family, clients, colleagues, home, projects, creations, life by giving them the attention they so truly deserve. Yum!
In that spirit, I'm going to be focusing some loving attention on this blog too. One of the things I'm going to experiment with is bringing Wishcasting here for a year. So, on Wednesdays you can expect to see a wish prompt and a Mr. Linky box so that you can add your wishes to the mix. What will happen if we each make 52 wishes this year? I look forward to finding out!
I am also honoured to share that Sacred Suzie has passed the Dreamboard Goddess Wand over to me. For any of you that participated in her monthly dreamboards, you know what magic can be created by taking time each month to imagine what you would love and to invite it into your life! With Suzie's new direction at Chez Sacred Suzie, I offered to make a home for monthly dreamboards. If you're new to dreamboards, Suzie wrote a great piece here. I'll be writing more later this week, but in the meantime, you might want to get started because the full moon is this Saturday!
I will be doing another Project 365. I just loved having that daily picture record of the year. And it was such a treat to watch it at the end of the year. I'm not going to create any formal structure for this project (other than that I will post on Saturdays), but you are absolutely welcome to join me in whatever way suits you best.
And of course, we're just about a week away from the beginning of Circe's Circle, a telecircle for creative bloggers. This is the only Circe's Circle I have planned for this year, so if you're ready to really step into your creative dreams in 2009, there's a spot waiting just for you. Jumpstart your project with the guidance of a professional coach and the support and encouragement of like-minded women!
This year will begin with the second session of The Next Chapter, this time with us working through 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women by Gail McMeekin. We've just hit 100 participants! The excitement is palpable. And I am absolutely thrilled to announce that as a part of this book blogging club, I will be interviewing 12 Highly Creative Bloggers. Each week a new interview will be posted to fire up your creative spirit big time! I can't wait to share that with you. You won't want to miss a one!
Whew. And that's only January!
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