Me this afternoon at the World Headquarters with my freshly started New Year's mustache.

Nancy and Sluggo got a little psychedelic for the New Year.

Not much time to post today, but I did want to ask your help in solving a mystery.
I've been going through some old family photos. The shame is people never think to write anything on the back of them so that the people of the future have some idea of what they are looking at. Sometimes the photo developer stamped something on the back that would at least tell you when they were developed. For example, looking through some old family photos I saw that on the following two photos this was on the back.

Although partially obscured, I believe the date is 1952. In 1952 my grandparents moved from Bay Street in ol' Pine Point to 449 Springfield Street in Wilbraham. These pictures must have been taken shortly after they moved in.

I also came across this undated picture of my grandfather with a baby who is probably my mother.

I have no idea where the picture was taken, but I'd be surprised if it was not local. My grandparents were not travelers, especially with a young child. Yet unfortunately nothing is written on the back. However notice the sign reading Harris Silk Hosiery Co. in the background. I fed the name into the mighty Google but it came up blank. Okay you Valley historians, does anyone recognise the company name or have any info?
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