Bolstering Your Staying Power
Here are some things that help bolster my courage and support me when I'm risking:
- being well-rested, well-prepared and well-dressed
- doing everything I can to make it easier, then diving in and getting it done
- having candid and vulnerable conversations with loved ones about my hopes and fears
- reminding myself of the things I've already done that were even scarier
- being reminded I am loved and that there are people who believe in me
- asking for help and/or support
- having a coach
- bringing a friend
- connecting to my body through touch, slowing down, breathing, moving
- my encouragement box
- Reiki
- trusting the Universe
- knowing it's my job to step up and let the Universe know this is what I really want
- being willing to pay the price (Have you seen The Miss Firecracker
- believing in myself, trusting that I can bear the results either way
- getting some perspective on the risk I'm taking (e.g. No one's going to die, it won't be the end of the world...)
- appreciating all that I love in my life
- being clear on why I'm taking the risk
- having a cheering section
- knowing the kind of person I want to be in this world
- taking quiet time with the Universe
- taking the initiative (I strongly prefer taking a step to being pushed)
- giving myself time to recover afterwards
- thinking of it as an adventure, reminding myself I simply don't know what's going to happen next. Anything's possible.
- booking a celebration to mark having taken the risk, honouring my bravery, regardless of the results
I've been risking all over the map these past couple of weeks. This week, I will risk writing a press release about The Next Chapter and sending it to at least 3 media centres. (I'm hearing in my head all the reasons why I can't/shouldn't do it [I'm going to have to visit the Vault] so it's a definite go. Wish me luck!)
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