It took me a minute to realize what this crazy looking "find" was when seen on a junk adventure well over a year ago. Can you guess what it is...or shall I say, was? If you guessed the frame of a croquet holder (minus the mallet and balls), you guessed right! It caught my eye because, I must admit, I have a "thing" for wheels and rust. It sat in my garage for months with zero ideas coming to my mind on what it could be. I even consulted my three very creative JUNK FEST girlfriends for input, and I don't believe even they thought this little "find" had much hope! Then, as luck would have it, while I was moving it for the 100th time in my garage to make room for some new-found junk, it accidentally fell over on its side...then came one of those fabulous "OMG" moments...
Yes, folks, the vision became obvious to me - this would make an ideal WINE CADDIE! It just happens to hold two bottles of wine and five goblets perfectly! I believe this true "Junky to Funky" find has found its final home on my dining room buffet...
This just goes to show that after a good cleaning, a spray of poly (a junk girl's best friend, by the way), and a little imaginaton, any rusty item can be transformed into a good thing - a really neat junk thing! Love this motto:
Live Well * Love Often * Junk Much
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