What's it all about...?
For those of you who are new to this "JunkFest" thing, I'd like to share a few photos from last year's sale. Because I'm new to Blogland, and the world of computers for the most part, I have not been able to figure out attaching a slideshow to my post, so you'll just have to scroll down and view the photos one at a time! This is just a small sampling of what our sales are like. We started out small with our first sale, held in my garage at our home in the country. The turnout was wonderful and we had a steady stream of customers all day. There were only two negatives: the wind (did I say country? I meant "wide open prairie!) and the parking. We did not take into consideration the fact that it was harvest and there would be farmers trying to navigate their farm machinery down the gravel road past our house. Then again, we did not anticipate the need for overflow parking....causing customers to park their vehicles single file down both sides of the road. The only casualty was my white mailbox, which was still standing, but with a fresh new "scraping" of John Deere green over the top! Our sales have since been held at our local fairgrounds and we have included a flea
market. The four of us junk girls occupy the largest building on the grounds, and the flea market vendors (there were 50 last year!) are located in two other buildings and outside the grounds. And of course....we have food vendors! Gotta keep that shopping energy up!

The last photo is of our "staff," our wonderful family and friends that volunteer to help us pull this thing off every year. Without them, we could never do this on our own! Who knows, maybe next year we'll do more than just buy them lunch!!
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