Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week in Review: February 6-12

Last week I...
...made Valentines.
...went on a coffee date with the Mr.
...dunked Oreo's in milk.
...took the girls to redeem their Christmas gift cards for manicures at the salon.
...dined on pork tacos from Tacos Mexico.
...tried a new restaurant the fam has never been to.
...wrote. a story I wrote about my recent coyote hunt published on the front page of the local newspaper. (With one of my photos too!)
...watched Zoey play her next-to-last basketball game.
...learned how to embed a PDF on my blog. (This truly excites me!!)
...made Egg Nikmuffins for breakfast on Saturday before the b-ball game.
...walked in the snow around town.
...shopped for clothes.
...played the Wii. (Lego Indiana Jones)
...attended parent/teacher conferences.
...hosted another Crafty Night.
...went to a dinner/auction with the Mr.

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