Wednesday, February 15, 2012

30 Bags in 30 Days: Day 24: Zoey's Room

Zoey is my tidy girl. Her room is mostly nice & clean all the time. She likes things to be this way. It makes her feel awesome to have a tidy room. Believe me, she stuffs things under the bed & has her piles here & there. But for the most part, she has a fairly orderly space.
And she LOVES it when I go in her room & help her purge ever so often.
Like, this week.
We got rid of 4 bags of stuff. (2 trash & 2 donate)
I must admit, I've already done her closet as part of the "30 Bags in 30 Days" project, but that was months & months ago! This time around I was able to get rid of a new season of outgrown clothes & pass them on to her little sister. (Who, of course, must try on all the new pretty dresses & show me how each one twirls so magnificently.)
Zoey's now beaming with uncluttered pride.
Her favorite thing to do lately is grab a pillow & a blanket, & read in her closet.
(And I'm really proud of my girls for letting go of things. They're setting a good example for me.)

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