Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Mom's Day!!!

Really it's Mother's Day!! Can it really be that this nutty week went by that quick? The week was filled with more notes from school asking for money for this money for that. Reminders of upcoming plays, ceremonies and such. It's just a good thing there is only 2 weeks left of this madness!

We finally found time admist all this to sit down and watch "There Will Be Blood". Can I just say..I now know why Daniel Day Lewis won an Oscar for his role in this movie. Once again he's amazing! I realized that he's pretty amazing thinking back to the movie Gangs of New York. He was unreal in that..he's just as good in this. And I'm always amazed with a period movie..this one I believe set in the early 1800's. The sets, the clothes..everything that goes into a period movie is amazing. I really enjoyed the movie..period! I did! I'd give it a A- for Daniel's amazing acting, the beautiful props and sets and just an intersting movie!

I also wanted to send a note of thanks out to my friend Linda! Linda was so sweet while traveling to keep in mind that I was looking for the new Fiskars Threaded Water Punch and guess what? Yep! She found one and was nice enough to buy it for me and mail it to me! How thoughtful is that!

I'm so excited to get to use I'll have to work on mastering it as it's my first punch of it's type by Fiskars!

Lastly...for this short post..Happy Mom's Day to everyone! Doesn't matter if you are a Mom of one, five. A Grandma, Aunt or just a good friend everyone deserves a nice day to take a little time for themselves!! My girlfriend and I went Friday night to have a pedicure and then out for drinks. I didn't even realize the timing was perfect with Mom's Day!

We both just loved getting out, having pretty feet and toes and having some time to just chat! It was really nice! And due to my having to reschedule my hair appointment from last week to yesterday..I got to go and get my hair done and have a bit of time to read while sitting under the dryer. So almost a full weekend of pampering! Not something that happens often..but very nice!

Happy Mother's Day...hope it's a special one for you!


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