Friday, October 10, 2008

Project 365 ~ Week 41

Ahh, it is so nice to look on our house with love. We're still amazed by the difference. The painting is complete (no more peach and green), our driveway is interlocking stone (bye-bye cracked concrete) and where there was once an old, discarded door nailed on its side to cover an opening under the stairs, there is a lovely handled door. Wayne, our handyman, is our hero!

On Tuesday I was walking through my studio when I looked at my altar and suddenly noticed just how many circles there are on it! (Claudia made me the beautiful quilt. It says "magic" on it. Thank you, Claudia!)

Jinx, totally crushing on my computer.
This week we went to our all-candidates meeting. I absolutely love attending these events, though I have to keep a pen and paper handy at all times. Writing becomes a much-needed pressure valve throughout the evening. I felt really disheartened by this meeting. It is the first time I have ever seen candidates not understand the concept behind a question and not seem particularly interested in answering. My hope is that this simply reflects that some younger candidates are on the roster. Everyone has to start somewhere. If you're Canadian, don't forget to vote on Tuesday!

This week I had the great pleasure of meeting Tara from Elastic Mind. She is a treasure. We had such a lovely time talking. We had amazing things in common, from the similarities of our Myers-Briggs to the fact that we both got married on Groundhog Day! I met Tara on Twitter. She's written some really interesting stuff on being an Innerpreneur. Are you one? I am.

And then it was my monthly breakfast with my dear friend and her little dumpling. It is such a treat to have this regular get-together. This is a friendship that nourishes my spirit. And now there's the added treat of baby kisses! I wish I'd managed to capture the gorgeous new curl that dumpling has developed since last month. What a cutie!

And the socialness continued this week. Above and below are some of the wonderful friends and colleagues I've shared so much with over the years in what I have frequently called "my day job" as I developed my coaching practice. This week we were celebrating my fully entrepreneurial life!

This is the 'hood I used to work in.

And the treats continue as Shannon and I wrap up the week catching up over dinner. Usually we chat all the time through the week but we've both been so busy that it was especially good to sit down and catch up. Here we're basking in the glow of Shannon's camera too :)

How was your week? Project 365 is my attempt to capture a year in my life through a photograph a day. On Saturday's I'll post the week's pics. At the end of the year, I'll create a video of all these precious moments. Feel free to participate at any time. Yours can be Project 347 or Project 292. It's up to you.

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