Sunday, October 5, 2008

100 Pieces of Me

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This is wild! I drafted this post in January of 2006, the week I started blogging, but I never posted it! It's funny reading it now and seeing how many things you probably know about me now and how some things have changed.

  1. I'm Sagittarius.
  2. My husband is the best gift I've ever received.
  3. I spent a summer working as Papa Smurf.
  4. I generally choose not to attend movies that depict torture.
  5. When I passed my comprehensive exams I went out dancing 8 days in a row.
  6. I abandoned my doctoral studies.
  7. Dance is my first love.
  8. I love being embraced by coloured light on a stage or on a dance floor.
  9. I’m crazy about spring, all one week of it.
  10. I can type like a speed demon.
  11. I don’t like seafood.
  12. When I was a kid, I ate so many cherries I was sick.
  13. As an adult, I can eat a whole basket of peaches without getting sick.
  14. I have a soft spot for puppets.
  15. My first album was the soundtrack to Jesus Christ Superstar.
  16. I’m scared of deep water.
  17. I don’t believe in age.
  18. I love being barefoot.
  19. If the Indigo Girls come to town, you'll find me at the concert.
  20. My favourite line from a poem is “The wind is a woman and she dances.”
  21. I’m thrilled I found the courage to go whale-watching, and I’ll never do it again.
  22. I’m a popcorn power-eater.
  23. I love lists.
  24. I read tarot cards.
  25. I am a coach.
  26. I am a certified Nia white belt instructor. (Now I'm a certfied Nia blue belt instructor)
  27. I enjoy performance poetry.
  28. I have acted roles ranging from The Authoritative Voice to Sexual Desire.
  29. I have been artistic director of a theatre company.
  30. My most hated class in school was Phys. Ed.
  31. I believe in magic.
  32. My top value is freedom.
  33. I’ve giggled and had fun while in Emergency.
  34. I am addicted to home decorating shows.
  35. I love moonstone.
  36. I got married on Groundhog Day.
  37. I prefer Uniball Onyx pens - black.
  38. My first business was washing doll and Barbie dresses for neighbourhood girls.
  39. I created my own lending library when I was around 10.
  40. I’m allergic to cats but have two. (I'm sad to say that this has changed. Our dear Bascha passed away)
  41. I find art classes intimidating.
  42. I have a thing for chandeliers.
  43. I have been known to play MMORPGs.
  44. In grade school, I choreographed tons of dances, performing for my class a lot in grade 4.
  45. I got my first library card when I was 2. (Thanks, Mom)
  46. I am compulsively attached to my daybook.
  47. I love the grey stones you pick up at the beach.
  48. I am a feminist.
  49. I love celebrating special occasions.
  50. I seriously enjoy coffee.
  51. I love going to the pub to chat after a movie.
  52. I love going to movies on a weekday afternoon.
  53. I love the first snow.
  54. My decision to audition for theatre school in University was an impulsive one.
  55. I get nervous going to parties.
  56. I love flowers.
  57. My first memory is a friend of my mom’s bringing me 2 lollipops. One that looked like a slice of orange and the other, a slice of lemon.
  58. I love sparkly jewellery.
  59. I have called and asked a director for feedback on an audition when I didn’t get the part.
  60. I minored in Anthropology.
  61. I keep a journal.
  62. When I read before bed, I pretty much fall asleep.
  63. I’ve paid off one of my student loans. (Now I've paid off both!)
  64. I’m moody.
  65. My current perfume is Delicious.
  66. I love epic tales, myths and fantasy.
  67. I am a spa fanatic.
  68. I bought a house with my husband.
  69. I’ve pulled everything from bricks to nails to wood to a slab of marble out of the ground in our backyard.
  70. I’ve sold secondhand clothing on Ebay.
  71. I enjoy a lively all-candidates meeting.
  72. I’ve worked on the National Psychic Hotline.
  73. I was president of my high school’s organization for school spirit (SOPSS).
  74. Having a real Christmas tree makes me happy.
  75. I’ve been acknowledged by a business for writing the best complaint letter they’ve ever received.
  76. I really enjoy architecture and spaces.
  77. I’m a snoop.
  78. I love roller coasters where the thrill is the speed.
  79. I hoard paint chips.
  80. I have a list of movies I can’t watch, including The Exorcist, Clockwork Orange and The Shining.
  81. The Cuckoo Clock was the first book I read that made me cry when I realized I would never read it for the first time again.
  82. I volunteered on the phones at the Distress Centre.
  83. I love trees.
  84. I’ve walked for AIDS and for the Assaulted Women’s Hotline.
  85. I was scared to run a horse but was exhilarated when I did it.
  86. I sometimes have nightmares.
  87. I think champagne is an essential element of any celebration.
  88. I tap danced on the library check-out desk in grade 13.
  89. I believe in supporting artists and friends with their projects and creations.
  90. I am a slow eater, a really slow eater.
  91. I love sour candies.
  92. When I was a kid I had my allowance cut because I emptied out my piggy bank and went shopping.
  93. I love fashion.
  94. I am a Reiki II practitioner.
  95. My kindergarten report card still applies.
  96. Since getting a digital camera, I have hundreds of pictures of my cats.
  97. I’m the eldest child in my family.
  98. I had a goldfish named Peanut and one named Haven.
  99. I have a surprisingly wide competitive streak.
  100. I love creating an experience whether it’s a party, a show or an event.
  101. I’m stubborn and full of hope.
  102. I like to give more than I'm asked for ;)

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