K- King Solomon
Objectives: The children will be able to
- retell the story King Solomon Builds A Temple
- identify who the temple was built for
- identify who built the temple
Prayer and questions from last week’s lesson
Vocabulary Words:
King Solomon Word Wall- Word wall templates are large flash card printables that you can hang on the wall to aid children when they are learning or using new vocabulary words.
Circle Time:
Read story: “King Solomon Builds A Temple” from your own story book. Or while you are reading the story do cut outs (Snip-And-Tell Bible Stories by Karyn Henley, page ) as the story unfolds.
Then ask questions from below.
Who was Solomon’s father? King David
What was King Solomon supposed to build? A temple or church.
What did King Solomon ask God to give him? Wisdom to rule his kingdom of Israel.
Who did King Solomon build the temple for? God
How long did it take to build the temple? Seven years.
What was put inside the temple? The arc of the covenant.
Songs and/or Finger Plays:
Introduce songs and/or finger plays: Who was Solomon’s father? King David
clclutheran.org- Solomon Builds a Temple lesson with activities for pre school (click on Lessons, then under Old Testament click on download lessons and levels. For Solomon Builds a Temple lesson click on preschool).
Hymn - sung to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb” (scroll down to this)
Solomon built God’s Temple
missionarlington.org- Solomon Builds a Church Temple (scroll down to Preschool Lesson)
This is the way we build the church (scroll down to this)
Introduce finger play: What did Solomon build? He built a temple. What is a temple? A church.
Here’s the Church (finger play)

Here's the church, (fingers interlocked; fingers inside)
And here's the steeple. (index fingers rise to a point)
Open the door (keep fingers interlocked but turn palms up)
Here’s all the people. (wriggle fingers)
Introduce activity: What was King Solomon supposed to build? A temple or church.
clclutheran.org- Solomon Builds a Temple lesson with activities for pre school (click on Lessons, then under Old Testament click on download lessons and levels. For Solomon Builds a Temple lesson click on preschool).
missionarlington.org- Solomon Builds a Church Temple (scroll down to Preschool Lesson)
missionarlington.org- Solomon Builds A Temple (scroll down to Preschool Lesson)
Introduce lesson: Where is our church? What does it look like? Does it look like Solomon’s Temple? Who’s house is the church?
Lesson 1: The Church Is God’s House (Children Discover the Mass by Mary Doerfler Dall, page 8).
msssbible.com- Going to Church/The Sabbath (activities and lessons)
dltk-bible.com- Church and Respect lesson
We act differently in different places. How would you go into a park? (Skip and run). How would you walk if you were going through a store with your mother or father. (Slowly). How should you walk in church? How do you behave? What do we do when we come into the church? (Have students tell you exactly what you should do from start to the end of Mass: Sign of the Cross after you dip your finger into the stoup, genuflect before you sit down at the pew, stand up when your parents do, kneel when your parents do, cross your arms over yourself when you go up during Communion to receive a blessing, etc.).
Introduce craft: Who did King Solomon build the temple for? God
ebibleteacher.com- Build a model temple from a shoebox. Use gold paper and have students draw windows for the sides, columns and a doorway for the front, etc. Have a diagram for them to go by.
Have the students use Legos to “Build” a church
daniellesplace.com- Stained Glass Window Church Craft (scroll down to this)
emmanuel.org- God’s House
Lesson 1: The Church Is God’s House craft- Children Discover the Mass by Mary Doerfler Dall, page 13 & 15.
mssscrafts.com- Matching Pieces Church
benjerry.com- Community Church Building
The classic, clapboard church building with a clock and bell tower. Enlarge template for younger students to do. Teachers may need to help children put church together.
daniellesplace.com- Stained Glass Window Church Craft
Enlarge template for younger students to do. Teachers may need to help children put church together. (Scroll down to this.)
Introduce craft: Who built a temple for God? King Solomon
thebestkidsbooksite.com- A Puppet Fit For A King!
dltk-kids.com- Paper Crown
firstpalette.com- Craft Foam Crown
craftbits.com- Curly Paper Crown
dltk-teach.com- King K Craft
Introduce game: How long did it take to build the temple? Seven years.
Have the students use Jenga blocks and make a tall temple. Or just use regular blocks and build a tall temple. The game ends when the tower falls down.
Introduce game: How are you supposed to behave in church? Let’s see if you know how.

What ever happened to good manners in church?- Find out if you know how to behave in church. Roll the die and move that many spaces. Follow the directions on the space you land on. If the space has a Roll Play activity on it, perform it to the best of your ability. If needed, the teacher will help you understand what to do and coach you how to do it correctly. If the space has a picture of person reacting to bad behavior that they had just seen in church, draw a Game Card and read it out loud (if the student cannot read, the teacher or someone can read it for them). Answer the question to the best of your ability (the teacher can coach the student if necessary).
Introduce snack: What did King Solomon build? A temple.
calvaryknoxville.org- Cracker Temple (scroll down to page 14)
Introduce snack: What do we call the place where we worship? A church.
Church Sticks, Squares & Triangles- (scroll down to these snacks)
Letter K Snacks-
Kudos Granola Bars, Kool-aid, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, Kiwi, Kumquats, Kabob, etc.
Prayers while students are doing worksheets and/or coloring.
christianpreschoolprintables.com- King (coloring)
coloringbookfun.com- King Solomon and the Temple (coloring)
kidssundayschool.com- The Building of Solomon’s Temple (coloring)
bibletodaykids.com- King Solomon Dedicates the Temple (coloring)
coloring.ws- King Solomon (coloring)
With or without words
levangelisation.com- King Solomon (coloring pages)
King Solomon (booklet for the children to color)
dltk-teach.com- What begins with K? (mini book)
King Solomon (handwriting)
first-school.ws- K is for King (handwriting)
kidzone.ws.- Hidden Letter Worksheet Letter K
clclutheran.org- Solomon Builds a Temple lesson with activities for pre school (click on Lessons, then under Old Testament click on download lessons and levels. For Solomon Builds a Temple lesson click on preschool).
Solomon Builds God’s Temple (worksheet)
Teacher, read the sentences and have the students color the happy face if the sentence is true. Color the sad face if the sentence is false. (Page 2)
dltk-bible.com- Manners in Church (worksheet)
A simple worksheet to reinforce a lesson about minding manners during church.
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