Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bleeping Willow.

Will you Negroes stop it with the Brandy "was robbed" talk. Look, there is already one of you Negroes in the Dancing With The Stars finals. A-merry-ca has met her Negro quota. So relax, it could have been worse. Besides this is Sarah Palin's daughter we are talking about. The possible future first daughter of these divided states. What else did you expect?

And speaking of Palin's daughters, it looks like one of her other daughters, Willow, went a little nuts on Facebook recently.

"Willow Palin, the 16-year-old daughter of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, wrote multiple Facebook posts containing homophobic slurs such as "faggot" on Sunday night, according to TMZ.

The web site reports that Palin's teenage daughter wrote the comments on Sunday night, when her mother's television show "Sarah Palin's Alaska" premiered on TLC. According to TMZ, a classmate of one of Palin's children published a Facebook update claiming that the show "is failing so hard right now."

Willow Palin reportedly unloaded on the student, calling him "so gay" and "such a faggot." She later demanded that the student "quit talkin shit about my family." According to screenshots obtained by TMZ, the 16-year-old called another commenter on the Facebook thread a "low life loser" and lashed out at multiple others, writing, "Sorry that all you guys are jealous of my families success and you guys aren't goin to go anywhere with your lives." [Article]

Classy folks those Palins. "Oh field, leave her alone, the child is only 16, this is what kids do."
Yes, but ask yourself this question: had this been one of the president's daughters what do you think the reaction would be? Just think about that one for awhile.

Finally, you have got to love these wingnuts. They give a whole new meaning to the word hypocrite. I give you representative Andy Harris of Maryland as my exhibit A. Seems my man ran on repealing "Obamacare", but now is demanding to get his government health coverage without having to wait 28 days. God forbid he goes without health coverage for 28 days!

"He stood up and asked the two ladies who were answering questions why it had to take so long, what he would do without 28 days of health care," a congressional staffer present at a freshman orientation session told Politico of Harris's reaction to news that his health care benefits wouldn't go into effect until nearly a month after his swearing in."

Now do you understand why I am going to enjoy the next two years? There is just so much material for a blogger these days.

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