Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Sorry, nothing to leak. Although I know plenty. Still, my profession and actual line of work does not allow me to reveal things that I have heard or know about my clients or people I come in contact with while working my 9-5. There are things that I will take to my grave that could have made me a wealthy man while I was alive. (What are they paying for great movie scripts these days?)

Anyway, A-merry-ca is being gripped by Wikimania, all because some state department employee (or employees) decided to do like Diana Ross and sing to Julian Assange .(To some, the worst Australian since....well, that other bad Australian, Uncle Rupert.) Now his O ness and his peeps are threatening lawsuits and criminal action because of the nature of some of the leaks. I guess it's not cool to embarrass diplomats. Apparently they talk about each other in very unflattering ways, and it's going to make it that much harder to solve the world's problems when they meet face to face.

Honestly, I have yet to make up my mind about this whole Wiki Leaks thing. I want an open government, and I want hard nosed aggressive journalist doing their job, but I also understand the issue of national security; as well as the need to keep certain things from the public. I am just not sure where we are with these latest leaks.

Of course, right on cue with their nuttiness; here comes the wingnuts:

"Long Island Congressman Peter King took his condemnation even further and urged that WikiLeaks be declared a “foreign terrorist organization,” putting it in the same arena as al-Qaida. The Republican also wants WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange prosecuted under the Espionage Act. “They are engaged in terrorist activity. What they’re doing is clearly aiding and abetting terrorist groups,” King, the incoming chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, told MyFox New York."

They always make it so easy for me to choose sides these wingnuts. (Did O'Reilly really call for Assange's execution? Yes, I think he did.)

Oh wait, and let's not forget to politicize this latest scandal. We can never let the chance to take a shot at his O ness go to waste:

"Sarah Palin blasted out a dispatch to her Facebook supporters Monday, taking aim at the Obama administration's handling of the latest WikiLeaks document drop and criticizing the White House's "incompetent handling of this whole fiasco." The former Alaska governor also seemingly encouraged the hunting of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with "the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders."
In her Facebook post, Palin questions the timing of Obama's recent steps to try to patch intelligence holes that have allowed repeated leaks of classified information:
The White House has now issued orders to federal departments and agencies asking them to take immediate steps to ensure that no more leaks like this happen again. It's of course important that we do all we can to prevent similar massive document leaks in the future. But why did the White House not publish these orders after the first leak back in July? What explains this strange lack of urgency on their part?

Palin also takes a shot at the failure to capture or stop Assange, an ineffectiveness that she appears to characterize as a lack of effort or caring by the Obama administration:"

Yes, we must get our priorities right. We have yet to capture OBL, but we must capture the founder of WikiLeaks.

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