I told you. You didn't believe me, did you? I told you I was working on my kitchen light post...yes, I know I've promised a few other posts too. When I "get my act together" I'll get them to you. (please don't hold your breath until then!)

Here's the light we put in when we remodeled. Cute as a button...but gives off very little light. ***One of my remodeling mistakes...picking the sweetest, most adorable light fixtures...and finding out later that none of them give off much light! Uhg.

O.M.G. Yes, that is a FLY sitting (and no doubtedly pooping) on my light! SHOO fly!

So I picked up a pendant kit at Lowes. I know Mr. Sweet Man-O-Mine can handle this.

But then I questioned whether I did the right thing. I picked up the brushed nickel finish because I thought it would match the "new" old shade....but....it really doesn't match my earth tone kitchen with aged brass hardware.
So I pondered. To spray or not to spray? Aged copper or textured bronze?
I hate decisions.

WAIT A MINUTE!!! I almost forgot about this sweet little antique light fixture I grabbed at an antique store recently.

It's so darn cute I just want to lick it.

Ok. That was a bit of an exaggeration.

Are you ready to see the shade? The JunkFest Girls and I each

The spray paint can shows you how BIG it is. See?

One little issue was getting the light fixture secured in the "new" old shade. I use a metal cone shaped thingy from a cream separator thingy and wired it to stay. Forgot to snap pics at that point cause I was so danged excited to get er done!

The brushed nickel of the ceiling portion is completely hidden by the antique light fixture. All I had to do was string it through.

Uhm. Who's turn was it to do the dishes???? Darn kids.

I absolutely adore my "new" old kitchen light! I think it's safe to say it's my favorite light in the entire house. Look at the fabulous shadowing it throws at the ceiling...SaWeet!
This post linked to:
DIY Project Parade
Frugalicious Friday
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