Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Mmmm....that is one happy word for me!

I'll admit...I collect ribbons. Yes...collect and have a hard time using them. You're shopping and see the perfect ribbon that you have to have. Then it sits. It sits and stares at you beckoning you to use it. But you can't.

It's called fear of using a favorite product or favobia.

I suffer from this...I hate the thought of using my ribbons (and papers, brads, stickers, etc etc) on a project only to wish I would of saved it.

Silly yes...it's a problem and one I am seriously working on because life is moving. No point in waiting.

This week on the Bo Bunny blog we're spotlighting ribbon. In particular Bo Bunny ribbons! YUM! For my project I worked with a card and had this idea in my mind for a bunny and ribbon grass....the bunny morphed into a cute deer thanks to the cute Love Bandit Rubons! I sliced up the ribbon...note it's my favorite shade of green and then lightly glued it down with my Glue Glider repositionable ribbon and then stitched across. It's more dimensional then it looks. Be sure to visit the Bo Bunny blog today. Carole used ribbon for her card and made a house...wow! She's unreal!

Yesterday I was so happy that I got another craft checked off my list. This one...took longer than I anticipated. But it's really my fault for undergauging the amount of flowers it needed. I can only offer a sneak peek...for those in St.Louis I believe it will be in the Life Style section on March 27th. For everyone else outside St.Louis I will post it here on my blog the same day! So do check back in!

My editor Amy sent out the cutest photographer...hey Elie!

Peso welcomed her into the house! Elie was too cute and fun! The Sandvoss crew didn't throw her along with Peso's kisses!

I had to laugh as before she came to the house I realized the table we have been shooting the pics for the newspaper was covered in a 2,000 piece puzzle of New York's Times Square. You see I thought it would be fun for the kids to work on a puzzle this week while they were on spring break. Not anticipating that the 1,000 piece puzzle would be completed and a new puzzle needed. So....we upgraded to the bigger puzzle that was spread out all over the table.

Thanks to a table cloth and great photographer...she shot the pic right over the puzzle!lol

Elie...hope you come back again! Next time you need to help with the puzzle and we'll feed you..maybe we can spill something!lol

Last for today has anyone else seen the Hurt Locker movie?

We picked it up this weekend and even though it was a good movie and I have complete and total respect for all of our soldiers and their families.

And I'm now utterly amazed at this job the soldier had...I'm kind of still wondering why this one won the Academy Award.

It wasn't the most amazing movie I've ever seen, nor was it mind-blowing....it was a good story about soliders doing a job that I could never do.

I'd have to say I still feel Saving Private Ryan for a war movie ranks higher for me....what about you?

Last for today...wanted to share about a cool giveaway at a site I've been visiting recently...Somewhat Simple! She's giving away these very cool Washi tapes...I'm crazy about Waterfall and also like the Girls pack. Here's a link to the site that sells these cool paper tapes... http://www.happytape.bigcartel.com/. Take a minute to see these and go enter!!

That's it for today!

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