Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Link Up for Easter's Random Dozen & Springtime Fun

I went on my first real walk with Zoe this year because it's just now getting warm enough to take her out. She carried a Ritz cracker the whole way, except when she stopped to read "pee mail" at the hydrant and put her FACE on the hydrant and relieved herself in the other direction. ? I picked her up to avoid a mud puddle but stumbled and stepped into the La Brea Tar Pit of Muncie in my neighbor's yard. Mud squished all up over my flip-flops and between my toes. Fun times.

1. How do you feel about the marshmallow Easter Peeps?
2. Chickens are notoriously nervous creatures. When you are nervous, what is the best way to calm down?
3. People say, "April showers bring May flowers." Do you enjoy Spring rains?
4. When I was randomly flipping through TV channels this week, I saw a show in which tattoo parlor employees received tattoos of a co-worker's face on their bodies. I can't imagine having a portrait of a colleague tattooed on me. But if someone forced you to receive a portrait tattoo (face only) of anyone, who would it be? Why?
5. Would you rather have a tattoo (any kind) or a nose ring?
6. Do you have any special plans for Easter?
7. Cadbury Eggs or Reese Eggs?
8. What was the last thing/person you took a picture of?
9. What book are you reading now, or what was the last one?
10. What do you think is the most difficult task when it comes to Spring cleaning?
11. How many pairs of flip-flops do you own?
12. Which color makes you happiest?

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