Then again, perhaps you don't know. Or then again-again, maybe you're just pretending not to know because today is the day: May 12th means Phase 3 of the 30 x 5 kicks off today.
"What, Lid? On a Tuesday?" Chatty Kelly will ask rhetorically.
Yes, Kelly, and you lurkers who are too timid to protest like Kelly does, on a Tuesday, because it's not against Levitical law or even the Nazarene Manual for us to start Phase 3 on a Tuesday. There is nothing sacred about starting anything on a Monday. I promise.
I also promised to reveal the super-secret totally organized plan for tweaking the 30 x 5. And it's a good thing
Here's a hint about the tweak: look at the background of the phase 3 button. What does it remind you of?

However, I might pay good money to see some of you work out in this get-up. I believe she's working on her upper arms.

So no, it's not the peacock phase of the 30 x 5; those circles and the hint in the text box should make you think of: H2o. Water.
Oh, I know some of you are going to hate me for this.
We're making a concentrated effort to drink more water during the next two weeks.
How much, you ask?
You could do the traditional 6-8 8-oz glasses per day, but if you really want to know how much you should have, divide your weight by two. The quotient ...
"Quotient?" OH MY GOSH I'M SO BRAINY [Actually, my son's roommate just fed me the answer to my question, "What's the thing called when you divide numbers that's left over?" and somehow, he was able to unscramble that question and tell me, "quotient."]
The quotient is the number of ounces of water you need each day. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs., drink 75 ounces of water daily. For those who use the metric system, well, stop it.
Now I know it's not easy to drink if you're not used to it. But don't you want to be California cool and carry a bottle with you everywhere?
Seriously, it's really good for you in so many ways. Just go Google it so I don't have to list the reasons here.
Today I consumed four 20-oz bottles, and my son's roommate confirmed that this is indeed 80 oz, so I'm more than good.
And I have been to the toity about 80 times, as well. The most frustrating time was when I went to Wowmart and had to go as soon as I walked in the store. Because once your kids get over the potty training stage, you never have to visit the horrible public restrooms very often ever again, until you get on a health kick and start drinking water.
But I'm in. I'll be ramping up my 30 minutes (minimum) 5 days this week and drinking like a tee totaling sailor.
And I'm seriously considering a peacock track suit. It's so Estelle Costanza.

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