Of course, there is another option. The Bee Gees would say to me, "You should be Dancin'--YEAH."
But I'm bloggin'--YEAH!
Yes, randomness ahead.
This is the point in the day when I had planned to sit myself down and write or edit a piece for my column next Saturday.
But instead I'm checking FB, eating a protein bar, reading Francis Chan's Crazy Love and talking to you because I'm a little stuck for ideas.
Some people say if you just start writing, inspiration will come.
I think inspiration went to the lakes for the weekend or something.
So what's up with you? Speaking of asking what you're doing, that makes me think of Twitter. I'm still trying to figure Twitter out because isn't it merely a glorified FB status update?
And isn't blogging like an extended play Tweet?
Elsewhere in my brain: I'm not up on all the latest about John and Kate, but I hope they pull it all together. I think marriages are like cars; they need regular tune-ups. All marrieds should have stickers on their bodies somewhere saying, "Next counseling appointment 10/27/09 or After Three Held Grudges, whichever comes first."
That is all.
I should be writin'--YEAH.
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