Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Friday!!

Thanks everyone for participating in the blog hop and all the comments. Teachers are so darn teachers, speech teachers, special ed teachers, dance teachers...and the list goes on and on. I heard so many great ideas for teachers and cards are great! And so is a sweet gift too! I think the crafter side of me simply has to include that as well!

My son's 2nd grade teacher LOVES the clipboard I made her back when my daughter was in her class...over 4 years ago. And has hinted she's like another one. So she'll get the new one I made along with a necklace. She's also crazy for all my of my best customer's. So I told her she can have her pick of one and she about fainted at the idea! So sweet..and she's been amazing with Parker during this very tough year.

And not to make you wait...the winner of this last blog hop for some yummy Bo Bunny goodies is:

Kaelene said...
I ♥ the Smarties gift . . . cute saying! I don't have kids yet, but DO have friends that are teachers, and have heard horror stories about gifts that they have received. This would be a definite improvement!
I'm excited to join the Bobunny hop . . . this is the first time for me!

Be sure to drop me an email at so I can get your information to mail that out to you.

I wanted to share a new layout I made for my ScrapJazz assignment using Pink Paislee. Love their stuff. Fun! This one shows some older photos of Parker and I went to do my're so cute/sweet layout. But I didn't.

We've had some really tough things going on with Parker...a new school diagnosis for him that's really been troubling. I'm going to save that for another post as I'd really like to hear from those of you who are dealing with it too. It's caught me so off guard as life has been ever since I lost my Dad. Things just seem to hit signs..just bam...right in my face.

And it' so incredibly hard to just keep getting hit with one thing after another and keep pulling myself up. I'll post on a different day about Parker as I know so many of you I'm sure have valuable input and information to share on it. Right now we're getting to the end of the school year and then I want to read as much as I can, ask for your input and hopefully find ways to help my little guy!

Thanks again for your participation in the hop..I'll pull two new winners this weekend for those unclaimed pendants!


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