Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pop Goes the Starting Gun

*EDIT: We are now over 50 strong. Go us!

Fill in this blank: "Today is the first day of the rest of your ___."

" ... life?"


Your two weeks.

Because that's all this is.

Sure, we know it takes a lifestyle change to effect big results in fitness or weight management goals, but we're sticking to two weeks for now. So unless you have the life cycle of a fruit fly, we're talking about a tiny piece out of your big, big life, and we're talking that way on purpose.

Because how do you eat an elephant? No, not sauteed in garlic butter with a sprinkle of lemon. You eat him one bite at a time. And that's how we're approaching change--in attainable, small increments.

Pin a rose upon our noses on this very momentous day, for we have "gotten a clue," like that great smart-lady feminine icon of the 20th Century, Jessica Fletcha.

We are doing this without pressure, without angst, without guilt and without Oprah, believe it or not.

I'm happy to report to you that I have indeed graced the elliptical machine already, thereby allowing myself to face you.

I also took some before pics of myself wearing shorts and a tank top in my bathroom so that I could share my progress with you visually, but then:

I got ANOTHER clue, which was this internal siren: "Are you crazy?? In those pics, you look like one of those trees that someone built a house around. In this case, they built a bathroom around you. DO NOT SHOW THOSE PICS."

I had better listen to my inner Jessica.

So there you have my first 30 x 5 report: 30 mins. on my elliptical this morning, with my little dog, Zoe, watching me. This is my view from the machine.

Just so you know, Zoe thinks I am absolutely wonderful on my elliptical. It's like I'm a rock star. If she could talk, she would be saying, "How are you so wonderful on that big thing? You are amazingly, incredibly wonderful. I cannot take my eyes off of your wonderfulness." But in the interest of full disclosure, she also does this when I go to the bathroom. That is, when I am on the throne, she worships at my feet, much to my chagrin.

So what is your 30 x 5 plan/report today?

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