newadvent.org- Holy Week
silk.net/RelEd/- Holy Week resources
kencollins.com- Information about Holy Week
cresourcei.org- The Days of Holy Week
cptryon.org- About Holy Week (click on the days below for a children’s explanation of Holy Week)
stpaulskingsville.org- Questions and Answers about Holy Week
unplowedground.com- Holy Week reflections
textweek.com- Lectionary, Scripture Study and Worship Links and Resources
childrensministry.com- Holy Week activities
Holy Week (handwriting and coloring)
Holy Week- (Pre K – K) lesson plan with: Objectives, Word Wall, Bible Story with questions, Songs and/or Finger Plays, Activities, Crafts, Games, Snacks, Coloring/Puzzles, etc.
Holy Week- lesson plan for 1st grade on up with: Objectives, Review, Vocabulary Words, Bible Story with questions, Activities, Crafts, Games, Snacks, Puzzles/Mazes/Worksheets, etc.
Palm Sunday- lesson plan for 1st grade on up with: Objectives, Review, Vocabulary Words, Bible Story with questions, Activities, Crafts, Games, Snacks, Puzzles/Mazes/Worksheets, etc.
Last Supper/Holy Thursday- lesson plan for 1st grade on up with: Objectives, Review, Vocabulary Words, Bible Story with questions, Activities, Crafts, Games, Snacks, Puzzles/Mazes/Worksheets, etc.
familyatthefootofthecross.blogspot.com- Corpus Christi Mosaic Craft
*You can also decorate the chalices with sequins, rhinestones, glitter, etc.
Passover Seder Plate Crafts- Passover Seder ideas for the students to make.
*More crafts, games, puzzles, worksheets, etc. are listed in the lesson plans above.

Have you ever experienced a Passover Seder? For many, Seder meals are not a common part of their typical Holy Week traditions. To help children understand what was eaten during this meal, here is a game that reviews the traditional food of the Seder meal.
cajestl.org- Fill Your Seder Plate Board Game
The following activities are free, however they are only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.
Holy Week Bingo-Make up simple bingo cards using pictures or vocabulary words with Holy Week questions from your lesson. Be sure to make calling cards out of index cards so you can hold up the picture or word so the children can see if they have that on their Bingo card. (You can also just make the spaces on your Bingo cards in the shape of a cross to remind them that Jesus died on the cross for them).
Bingo Card Makers
teach-nology.com- Free 3 x 3 or 5 x 5 Bingo card that you can make.
dltk-cards.com- You can also replace some or all of the pictures in the picture bingo option with vocabulary words to help teach students vocabulary. At Step Two: Choose Your Theme under Picture Bingo, scroll down to the bottom to BLANK to design your own Bingo cards.
Holy Week Spin the Bottle Game- Play a wacky version of Spin the Bottle by answering questions about Holy Week. Print Question Cards out on card stock. Cut out Question Cards. Laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last.
Holy Week Memory Game- Play Memory, Go Fish, or Sequencing with these cards. Directions for Bible Timeline Game are also posted.

Last Supper File Folder Game- Play individually or in teams and work your way around the game board answering questions about the Last Supper. If you are correct you roll a die and move your marker in your row in any direction you want. If you land on a colored space, you can move one row toward the center with “Last Supper”. Play continues until a team or player reaches “Last Supper”.
Holy Week File Folder Game: The objective of the game is to go through all the days of Holy Week by answering questions about each day.

Directions- Print out Directions, cut it out, and glue on front of file folder.
Game Board- Print out Game Board, trim, and glue on the inside of the file folder. Make sure the directions are on the front of the file folder. Laminate or cover file folder with clear contact paper to make it last.
Questions- Use these questions or make your own. Use only the questions that reflect your student’s abilities.
Spinner- Make spinner according to the directions.
The following activities are free, however they are only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.
What Happened During Holy Week?- Label the pictures below with the correct day of Holy Week. Then color the pictures. (For younger students: Ask the students what is happening in the first picture. Discuss. Then ask them, “What day of Holy Week is it?” Write #1 on the board and Palm/Passion Sunday beside the number. Continue with pictures 2 – 4.
Holy Week Worksheet- The following days of Holy Week are in the wrong order. Number them so they are in the right order. Then draw a line to what happened on that day.
Holy Week Quiz- 20 questions with answers
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