Guys [Translated: Y'all]-- There are about 40 + of us doing this, and I anticipate we'll add a couple more! Imagine yourself sitting in a full classroom right now. Everyone sitting at a desk would represent a person doing the 30 x 5! Woo to the hoo!
So, yeah, this starts tomorrow. Not Monday. Not April 1st. Nope, right smack dab in the middle of the week, this week. Because you know what? If we keep waiting until the right time, whenever that is, we might put it off until the economy bounces back or until we're all living weightless in space, which we know is not realistic. I mean, we're talking trillions.
Remember: All it is is 30 mins. of any kind of movement for at least 5 days per week for two weeks. Then we're going to link up and talk about it. Because that's what we bloggers do. We talk about it. I think we'll learn from each other and learn more about ourselves. But I don't want to plant seeds.
Here is a list of participants. You should go say, "Hi! I'm doing this, too!" *EDIT: I'm now adding people to the sidebar list.
Biggest Loser Notes

OK, so, Tara, in the green there, I thought was a bit cocky in the beginning. My respect has grown leaps and bounds. The woman is a powerhouse. A brick house. A wrecking ball. And last week and this week, she took some hard hits from teammates and kept on ticking ... like the bomb she is. Go, Tara. You may have a potty mouth at times, but you deserved that $10,000 that you were robbed of.

At any rate, I am totally into this show, pulling for all of the people, laughing at crazy Bob and scary Jillian, and wishing I could get away for a month or so and work on my bod. But that's not gonna happen. So tomorrow, it's the 30 x 5 for me!
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