Yesterday I asked if you all had any questions for me re the 30 x 5.
Interestingly, only one blogger took that request seriously, or not so seriously, as you will see, and followed my commands like a true and good 30 x 5
So here's what she said when I asked for Q's:
Ha ha! You've opened Pandora's box!
Shawna, believe me, there isn't much I haven't already shared here at 2nd Cup. I'm pretty much open to talking about anything. You see, that makes me open and approachable to readers. And it makes me real. Really, really, REAL. Ridiculously real. So relax. Tell me, child, what is your first 30 x 5 question?
What do you wear while you work out?
That topic is out of bounds.
Oh, OK. I wear anything and everything. The thing is, my machine is next to double mirrors that serve as walk-in closet doors. They mirrors are big. They are unforgiving. So I have had to get over trying to look "cute" or "athletic" a long time ago. Therefore, I wear shorts or jogging pants and tank tops and t-shirts. One shirt that is a real treat is the one I dye my hair in. It says "Peace on Earth," but I ripped it from the neck down a few inches so that I can throw it off when I have finished the dye job and need to hop into the shower. That way, the neck opening is so big that the shirt comes right off without smearing much of the dye. It's quite attractive with all the staining and everything. It's like homemade cammo wear.
What's your favorite healthy snack?
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, especially ones in pastel foil.
Wait, that is the former evil me speaking. The new and improved 30 x 5 me says:
I'm currently snarfing:

I like them so much that I have to leave the box in my car at work or I will be tempted to eat the whole box that day. So I just take in a yogurt and two bars each morning and look forward to eating them in a slightly obsessive, scary way.
What's something clumsy you've done while working out? (e.g., falling off the treadmill, tripping over the cat, etc.)

Probably the clumsiest thing about me on the machine is that since an elliptical moves your arms as well as lower body, I'm used to having those "handlebars" to hang onto. But occasionally, I like to change the TV channel or take a drink of water, which, since I'm not a circus performer, requires hands to do.
So I let go long enough to do whatever while still walking, and somehow, that throws me off, not to the point of falling off, but of doing some very strange moves sometimes to right myself.
The only other weird thing is that I get a little kink in my right groin area (did I just use "kink" and "groin" in the same sentence? Because someone Googling "kink*y" or "groin" is surely going to land on this post and be majorly disappointed.)
If so: Sorry, dude. I'm an overweight, middle aged blogger mom who has a kink in her groinage while on the elliptical machine. Move on.
Anyway, when the pain grows too strong, I have to stop and pull my foot up to my knee, swing my knee way out to the right sight and POP the kink. Then I can continue.
I sincerely hope that did not turn anyone on.
So there you have it, Shawna, all of your wildest wonderments answered right here.
Reader Challenge: Can YOU answer these same three questions?? Leave answers in my comments or post them on your blog tomorrow.

Just a reminder: Today is Red Envelope Day. Be sure to put your return address on your envelopes.
Don't forget this fun carnival tomorrow at Rachel's place!
Also, I'm attending A Woman Inspired On-Line Conference; are you? It's a stay-at-home conference that sounds really fun. For all of the details, click on the button. And if you get tickets before tomorrow, you get a discount. This will be my first time to attend one of these.
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