Palm Sunday/Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem/Cleanses the Temple
Objectives: The students will be able to
- retell the story Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem
- explain that on Passion (Palm) Sunday the Church celebrates Jesus' entry into Jerusalem
- explain that the church is a place of worship and not a market place
- locate Jerusalem and Bethany on a map
Prayer, Take Home Sheet, and vocabulary from last week’s lesson and also Objects Used as Mass cards: (show picture cards that we have done thus far)
Vocabulary Words: (Write words on the board and discuss with class)
Passover- Jewish feast in remembrance of God’s saving love in his freeing of his people from slavery in Egypt. A Jewish festival to remember when God had freed the Israelites (Hebrews) from slavery in Egypt
Hosanna- acclamation of praise with which people greeted Jesus when he entered Jerusalem
Passion (Palm) Sunday- celebration of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to begin his passion; the first day of Holy Week
Jerusalem- the capital of Israel and holy city of the Jews (show students this on a map or have one of the students find it on a map)
Festival- a celebration
Bethany- small village near Jerusalem (show students this on a map or have one of the students find it on a map).
Donkey colt- a young animal that is from the horse family, but smaller and with longer ears
Cloaks- a loose sleeveless outer garment that fastens at the neck
Palm leaves- a tree with a single trunk and several long bladelike leaves at the top
Temple- a Jewish place of worship
Temple rulers- Jewish church rulers
Arrest- to take someone and hold them
Read story: “Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem” and ask questions from Take Home Sheet.
Introduce activities: Who made a triumphal entry into Jerusalem? Palm Sunday object lessons with coloring sheets, group activities, puzzles, quizzes, etc. (scroll down to Palm Sunday & Easter) House of Prayer lesson with puzzles, coloring sheet, Bible readings, questions, memory verses, key points, object lesson, drama, puppets, etc. (These files are set up and formatted so that they can be easily made into weekly booklets for your children's ministry, youth ministry, etc., with 4 sheets of legal paper and two staples). The Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem, Jesus Cleanses The Temple Again lessons with memory verses, circle the correct words, true or false, fill in the blanks, puzzles, and color sheets.
The Palm Sunday Song- The students can do this and act it out while singing.
Words by Harrison Woodard
Sung to the tune "She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain"
Note: The words in parentheses may be spoken, shouted, or omitted.
He'll be riding on a donkey
When he comes
(Praise God!)
He'll be riding on a donkey
When he comes
(Praise God!)
He'll be riding on a donkey,
He'll be riding on a donkey,
He'll be riding on a donkey
When he comes
(Praise God!)
Oh, we'll all go out to meet him
When he comes
(Our King!)
Oh, we'll all go out to meet him
When he comes
(Our King!)
Oh, we'll all go out to meet him,
We'll all go out to meet him,
We'll all go out to meet him
When he comes
(Praise God! Our King!)
We'll be waving our palm branches
When he comes
(God's Son!)
We'll be waving our palm branches
When he comes
(God's Son!)
We'll be waving our palm branches,
We'll be waving our palm branches,
We'll be waving our palm branches
When he comes
(Praise God! Our King! God's Son!)
We'll be shouting out "Hosanna!"
When he comes
(We're Saved!)
We'll be shouting out "Hosanna!"
When he comes
(We're Saved!)
We'll be shouting out "Hosanna!",
We'll be shouting out "Hosanna!",
We'll be shouting out "Hosanna!"
When he comes
(Praise God! Our King! God's Son! We're Saved!) Spring Cleaning object lesson with coloring page and puzzles Cleaning House object lesson with coloring, puzzles, quiz Cleaning House (group activities) crafts, games, songs, etc.
More Crafts
Introduce craft: What did the people wave at Jesus and put on the ground in front of him? Palm Branches Palm Leaf Fold and Cut Craft
*Note: For younger students you can use the pattern and draw the palm branches on the paper before class.
More Games
Introduce game: What would you bring if you went to Jerusalem? Let’s find out.
Pack Your Bag
Directions: This is a memory game. Have the players seated in a circle. The first player begins by saying, "I’m going to Jerusalem and in my bag I packed ..........." He can say anything he likes, for example an orange, a pair of shoes, a telephone, or a pet dog. The next player in line begins the same way but adds a second object after repeating the first. The third player also begins, “I’m going to Jerusalem and in my bag I packed ..........." He must repeat the first two objects and then add a third. So it goes on, but if a player can’t repeat or mixes up the order of the objects then he is out.
If you haven't got many players, the same children can keep adding more items. The game continues until one player remains or until time is up. Some lists get very long and are remembered for years by the players. A variation is to decide that the objects chosen must start with the letters of the alphabet in order, for example "apple, bat, cake...zebra." This makes it a little easier to remember. (You could also help the player if necessary so everyone can play). Or you can call on a student and ask them to name something that starts with the letter A that they would bring to Jerusalem. Go around the circle and use each letter of the alphabet. Have the students name an object that they would put in their suitcase if they were going to Jerusalem. Crown Relay & Donkey Relay (2 different relay games for Palm Sunday) This is a file folder game for children to learn about the events leading up to Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Customize this game with question cards, or let younger children just roll the dice to play.
Sunday Best (Palm Sunday)- This game will help children learn to honor Jesus as king. (The Encyclopedia of Bible Games for Children’s Ministry, page 145-146).
Temple Bowling (Jesus Clears the Temple)- This game will help children discover God wants his house to be a place of worship. (The Encyclopedia of Bible Games for Children’s Ministry, page 83). *You can also use empty 2 liter soda bottles.
The Really Big Book of Bible Games by Gospel Light
Palm Branch Pass (page 143)- We can’t help but praise Jesus because of whom He is and what He came to do! When Jesus entered Jerusalem the week before HE died, people praised Him by waving palm branches in the air. Let’s play a game with branches to remember a way Jesus was praised!
Palm Branch Pickup (page 144)- When Jesus was entering Jerusalem, people gave Him praise by covering the ground with branches from palm trees. We’re going to play a game and give praise to Jesus, too.
Introduce snack: What did the people lay on the ground in front of Jesus? Palm leaves. Candy Palm Tree (Do object lesson before giving out the candy.)
Puzzles, Mazes, Worksheets:
More 365 Activities for Kids (do any of the Palm Sunday puzzles, mazes, dot-to-dot, spot the difference, etc. from November 2 - 5).
Blessed Is the King! (find the hidden pictures)- Hidden Pictures Explore Hidden Treasures in God’s World: Grade 1 – 3 by Linda Standke, page 26. The Triumphal Entry (maze) Mark 11:9 The Triumphal Entry (maze) Matthew 21:9 Donkey Ride (maze) The Triumphal Entry (word search) The Triumphal Entry (word search) Mark 11:1-11 The Triumphal Entry (word search) Matthew 21:1-11 King for a Day (word search) Mark 11:1-11 The Triumphal Entry (crossword) Luke 19:38 King for a Day (crossword) Mark 11:1-11 The Triumphal Entry (crossword) Matthew 21:1-11 The Triumphal Entry (multiple choice) Luke 19:38 The Triumphal Entry
Complete the paragraph by filling in the blanks with a word from the word bank at the bottom of the story. Cleaning House (word search) Jesus Cleanses the Temple (word search) Cleaning House (crossword) Jesus Cleanses the Temple (crossword) Jesus Cleanses the Temple (word jumble) The Triumphal Entry (word jumble) Mark 11:1-11 The Triumphal Entry (word jumble) Matthew 21:1-11 King for a Day (word jumble) Mark 11:1-11 Cleaning House (multiple choice) King for a Day (multiple choice) Mark 11:1-11
Homework: Prayers and Take Home Sheet (It is in MS Word and can be changed any way you like according to your student’s abilities.)
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