I have this cutsie metal cart in my kitchen that serves as my "wine central". Complete with a minnow bucket that chills the wine nicely when filled with snow, (no lack of snow here right now) a wood tray turned chalkboard, a rusty pulley (there for no reason other than I love rusty stuff), a wood toolbox turned wine glass caddy, and some thingamabobs.
You know, THINGAMABOBS. Those cute little vintage receipt holders that you could po
ke your eye out with. Two of the thingamabobs are holding wine charms, and the third is holding a copy of a cherished photo. I've added wine corks to the tops of course, so I don't poke my eye out!

Under the metal cart is a rusty metal basket that works perfect for potatoes and onions.
On a recent trip to a Grand Forks antique store I found the neatest candle chandelier...and I don't care if it's replica or genuine....cause it's CUTE! Hung it with an old metal bracket, added some votives (what I had on hand), and viola! There's just nothing like "junking" up a house!!

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