Activities & Games Items Used at Mass (definitions and pictures) Objects Used at Mass (definitions and pictures) What Do You See in Church? Lesson for Grade level K through 2
The Mass- Help Father get ready for Mass. Circle the things he will need. Cross out the things he will not need. (100 Activities Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Ellen Rossini, page 18).
Things We See at Mass- Match the words with the pictures of things we see at Mass. (100 Activities Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Ellen Rossini, page 19).
Articles Used in Worship- Match the terms on the right to the descriptions on the left. (100 Activities Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Ellen Rossini, page 92).
Treasure Hunt- Take the students on a tour of the church and point out and discuss items found there. Divide the students into small groups. Give each group a clipboard with a list of objects. The students have to locate each item and write down where it is located in the church. Church Tour Worksheet: Take your child on the tour of your church. It can easily be arranged with your sacristan or priest. Many CCD, Religious Ed. programs offer this once a year to children as well. Print out this sheet. As you go on your tour, mark the things you see on the way. This works especially well with a clipboard and pencil. Feedback from my CCD students was quite positive and they felt like they were on a treasure hunt while they did this activity on our tour. BTW - Don't forget to ask to see the bell tower if you have one. It's always a favorite with the children. (Scroll down to this.) Parts and Tools of the Catholic Church: Easily used over and over once prepared, this game is fun and simple to use. Players match word cards with corresponding picture cards. This is great for one-on-one learning or perfect in the classroom for CCD or Religious Education classes. It is amazing how having words and pictures together in a group of children builds teamwork and memory skills at the same time. This junior version uses a few simplified names to help young learners remember not only an item's name but also what the item is used for (i.e. holy water pot and sprinkler vs. aspergillum.) We created these sets to teach not only item's names but also to give them meaning. Even adults new to the Catholic faith can find it useful. (Color and B/W). *You can print it out in black and white for the children to color. How Much Do You Know About Sacramentals? Our F3 Folder Lesson Will Help You Find Out
These activities are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.

Liturgical Memory & Go Fish Card Game- Children can play Memory or Go Fish with the cards (make 2 copies) by matching the pictures of liturgical objects. (All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on this game are not my own and are from various internet sources.)
What am I?- Have your class work together to make riddles for objects used in Mass. Then have the students take turns reading their riddles to the class. Or you can play this game using the riddles provided.
What Am I? (file folder game)- Identify objects used during Mass by description or picture.

Directions- Print, trim, and put on front of file folder.
Game Board- Print out Game Board, trim, and glue on the inside of the file folder. Laminate or cover file folder with clear contact paper to make it last.
Spinner- Copy and cut out the spinner wheel and spinner. Glue spinner wheel to cardboard and laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make it last.
Answers- Answers to game.

Liturgical Bingo: (Students play regular bingo, but they answer questions about Liturgical items used at Mass.)
Liturgical Bingo Directions with Questions & Answers- The teacher asks one student at a time a question or clue from the list. The student answers the question and the class looks for the word on their bingo card. The first student who gets five in a row (up, down, across, or diagonal) on their bingo card first, wins.
Liturgical Bingo Cards- 1 through 5
Liturgical Bingo Cards- 6 through 10
Liturgical Bingo Cards- 11 through 15

Picture Liturgical Bingo: (Students play Liturgical Bingo, but with pictures.)
Picture Liturgical Bingo- Directions and questions to play Picture Liturgical Bingo.
Picture Bingo Cards 1 – 5
Picture Bingo Cards 6 – 10
Items Used at Mass- Word Scramble
Easy Liturgical Quiz- Read each question and circle the correct answer.
Liturgical Quiz (harder)- Fill in the missing blanks with the correct word. Word bank provided.
Liturgical Chart- Cut out the picture and paste in the correct box.
Liturgical Chart- Fill out the definitions of each object. Cut out the picture and put in the correct box.
Liturgical Chart Pictures- Pictures to cut out and paste on the Liturgical Chart.
Liturgical Objects in Church (6 objects)- Write the name of the object in the blank. (Ideas for younger students are given).
Liturgical Objects in Church (12 objects)- Do you know what these are? (Ideas for younger students are given).
Liturgical Objects in Church (12 objects)- More Objects Used at Mass. Write what the object is in the space provided. For younger students you can use a word bank on the board.
Objects Used in Mass Handwriting Worksheet #1- chalice, ciborium, altar, stoup, pew
Objects Used in Mass Handwriting Worksheet #2- cruets, tabernacle, Body of Christ, Blood of Christ
Liturgical Objects Used at Mass- Directions: Write the correct number of the object in the blank. For younger students: Teacher will write on the board a word from the list. The teacher will then read the word and definition to the students and they will answer out loud during class the correct number. Have students write down the correct number beside the word. Answers
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