newadvent.org-Way of the Cross
shrinesf.org- History of the Stations of the Cross. Also opening prayers and The Station of the Cross.
catholic.org- Opening Prayer and Stations of the Cross with pictures. Click on First Station of the Cross.
cin.org- Stations of the Cross
ewtn.com- Stations of the Cross- opening prayer, and with pictures
nccbuscc.org- The following Stations of the Cross are based on those celebrated by Pope John Paul II on Good Friday 1991.
hollyemotions.homestead.com- Stations of the Cross with pictures.
cptryon.org- Stations of the Cross written especially for children.
creighton.edu/CollaborativeMinistry- Friendly printer versions available
Via Crucis- Coming to this site will lead you to experience the Way of the Cross in pictures where the “First Way of the Cross” was threaded by the Lord.
cptryon.org- Origins of the Stations
beliefnet.com- To experience the audiovisual feature "Bitter Journey: The Way of the Cross". A multimedia feature tracing Jesus' passion and death.
silk.net/RelEd- Group activities
thatresourcesite.com- Stations of the Cross Cards (scroll down for this)
Use for review or order of recognition practice. Print a second set to play Memory or Go Fish
thatresourcesite.com- Stations of the Cross/Lent Learning Cards
Encourage faith formation with these learning cards which focus on the Stations of the Cross and the season of Lent. The Lenten card focuses on the Ash Wednesday and the traditions of Lent including prayer, almsgiving, fasting and self-denial. Fasting is not separated from abstinence for simplicity and space constraints. These are perfect for CCD classes as well. (Scroll down to this.)
that resourcesite.com- Station of the Cross Notebooking Sheets
Download this set of twelve notebooking sheets that highlights this saint. With four line spacing options and three different layouts, there is sure to be something for any aged learner. (Scroll down to this.)
thatresoursesite.com- The Stations of the Cross Poster Set (scroll down for this)
Encourage daily prayer and meditation this Lenten season with this 14 page set of posters on the Stations of the Cross. (This is a larger file, so please be patient during your download.)
thatresourcesite.com- Stations of the Cross Book Study
Use this book activity to help children remember the passion of our Lord's death in the Stations of the Cross. This is a very gentle approach to this most important event. Young tender hearts often have trouble viewing our Lord in suffering. This project uses the wonderful book "The Stations of the Cross" by Fr. Lawrence Lovasik as its base. I have used this project with only two children as well as in a CCD or Religious Ed. classroom setting and it is always well received. Color or black and white printables available. (Scroll down to this.)
thatresourcesite.com- Let’s make a book about the Stations of the Cross.
Use this book activity to help children remember the passion of our Lord's death in the Stations of the Cross. This is a very gentle approach to this most important event. Young tender hearts often have trouble viewing our Lord in suffering. This project uses the wonderful book "The Stations of the Cross" by Fr. Lawrence Lovasik as it's base.
catholicicing.blogspot.com- Stations of the Cross Montessori Activity for Catholic Kids
catholicicing.com- Station of the Cross Eggs
Each egg has inside of it has one heart, and one symbol for that station. You can use these as an activity for the children to match up the symbols, or you can just use them to go through the Stations of the Cross one at a time.
catholicicing.com- Stations of the Cross Kit
A box of objects used to symbolize each station.
familyfeastandferia.wordpress.com- Stations of the Cross for Children
Color, black and white printables. Full page, pamphlet, landscape, and booklet size available.
familyfeastandferia.wordpress.com- Stations of the Cross for Children (in color and black and white)
christiancoloring.com- Printable coloring booklet
sjtbre.org- Free Stations of the Cross coloring pages
sjtbre.org- Stations of the Cross (coloring booklet)
familyfeastandferia.wordpress.com- Stations of the Cross for Children
Black and white printables. Full page, pamphlet, landscape, and booklet size available.
fcpeace.com- Walk With Jesus on the Way of the Cross
familyfeastandferia.wordpress.com- Stations of the Cross for Children (in color and black and white)
domestic-church.com- Stations of the Cross Children’s Liturgy (scroll down to this)
HTML version of Stations of the Cross for a Children's Liturgy prepared by Andy Figueroa of Hope Anglican Fellowship at Christ the King Reformed Episcopal Church. A moving devotion for a Good Friday service.
domestic-church.com- Station Shrines
Make these shrines and put your Stations of the Cross pictures in them.
thetuckerbunch.typepad.com- 14 Stations of the Cross craft
familiacatolica-org.blogspot.com- Stations of the Cross made with wooden sticks, craft for older children. Pictures of the Stations of the Cross to put inside each station provided.
*Blog is in Spanish, but just click on the translate button that is on top to change to English.
edubakery.com- Stations of the Cross Bingo
Multiple different bingo cards will be created when you print them out.
The following games are free, however they are only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.
Stations of the Cross Bingo- Students play regular bingo, but they answer questions about the Stations of the Cross. The teacher asks one student at a time a question about the Stations of the Cross. The student answers the question and the class looks for the word on their bingo card. The first student who gets three in a row (up, down, across, or diagonal) on their bingo card first, wins.
20 Stations of the Cross Bingo Cards- Use these or make your own. (These cards go with the questions above.)

Directions- Print out Directions, cut it out, and glue on front of file folder.
Questions- Use these or make your own.
Game Board- Print out Game Board, trim, and glue on the inside of the file folder. Make sure the directions are on the front of the file folder. Laminate or cover file folder with clear contact paper to make it last.
Spinner- Make Spinner according to directions.
4shared.com- Stations of the Cross 3 piece egg shaped puzzles with the numbers of the stations on them
faith.thatresourcesite.com- Stations of the Cross Word Search
wordsearchfun.com- Stations of the Cross (word search)
edubakery.com- Stations of the Cross (word scramble)
domestic-church.com- Find the Lenten Message
Use the word list at the bottom of the page to fill in the blanks in the sentences. Use the number under some of the letters to find the Lenten message.
uncommoncourtesty.com- Stations of the Cross (crossword)
clashelper.org- Stations of the Cross (crossword)
domestic-church.com- Stations of the Cross (crossword)
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