Ash Wednesday and Lent
Objectives: The students will be able to
- explain what happens on Ash Wednesday and where the ashes come from
- explain what abstinence and fasting is
- explain what we are supposed to do during Lent and why
Prayer, Take Home Sheet, and vocabulary from last week’s lesson and also Objects Used as Mass cards: (show picture cards that we have done thus far)
Vocabulary Words: (Write words on the board and discuss with class)
Lent- the time before Easter
Changed- to become different
Ash Wednesday- the first day of Lent
Penance- self punishment or an act of religious devotion performed to show sorrow for having committed a sin.
Abstinence- to not do something
Fasting- going without food or eating less than you normally do
Almsgiving- doing good for others (gifts, money, or to help others)
Ash Wednesday (write it on the board)
Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. On Ash Wednesday, blessed ashes are put on your forehead in the shape of a cross. These ashes are made by burning palm leaves which have been saved from last year’s Palm Sunday.
Ash Wednesday is also when we begin to do penance for Lent. Penance is self punishment. We do this to improve our relationship with God and others. The Church suggests three special practices of penance for Lent:
(Write the bold words on the board).
Pray- go to Mass more often, pray more often.
During Lent the Stations of the Cross (prayers about the journey Jesus made to his crucifixion on Good Friday) are said at our church every Friday. My family goes to this every Friday during Lent.
Can you think of other ideas?
Fast- going without food or eating less. It can also mean giving up a certain food or treat.
My husband is giving up Diet Coke during Lent. My son is eating less sweets during Lent.
Can you think of other ideas?
Almsgiving- means doing good for others. That can be giving gifts of money or help to others.
The money my husband does not spend for Diet Cokes he will collect. At the end of Lent he will give the money to the poor.
Can you think of other ideas?
Introduce activities: What day does Lent begin? Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday Worksheet- Put number one through seven on the board. Read each question and write the correct word by the number after the student has answered the question. Have the students fill in the blanks on their paper with the correct answer from the word bank.
Review Ash Wednesday:
Once a year you can see many people with a black smudge on their forehead. Do you know what it is? (The Sign of the Cross made with blessed ashes.)
The day the cross is made on everyone’s forehead with blessed ashes is called what? (Ash Wednesday)
Ash Wednesday is the first day of what? (Lent and write it on the board)
Lent is the time before Easter, the day we celebrate Jesus’ rising from the dead. The Sign of the Cross made with ashes reminds us of Jesus’ great love and that he died on the cross so that we could live with him forever in heaven.
Lent lasts for 40 days (not counting Sundays). Why 40 days? (The 40 days recalls the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting and being tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:1-11).
Lent beings on Ash Wednesday and ends on what day? (Lent officially ends at sundown on Holy Thursday.)
What is the color for Lent? (violet)
During Lent we do fasting (write fasting on the board). Fasting means going without food or eating less. It can also mean giving up a certain food or treat. The rules of fasting state that only one full meal a day can be taken. Two small meals, are allowed but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals breaks the fast, but drinking liquids does not. The rule of fasting is required for Catholics from age 18 to 59.
You are six years old. Do you do fasting during Lent? (No)
What about your parents? Do they fast during Lent? (Yes)
What days do Catholics fast? (On Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday.)
During Lent, Catholics do abstinence (write abstinence on the board). Abstinence means to not eat meat. The rule of abstinence for all Catholics requires those 14 years of age and older not to eat meat on Fridays during Lent and on Ash Wednesday.
My son is 16, does he do abstinence during Lent? (Yes)
You are six years old, do you do abstinence during Lent? (No)
Do your teachers do abstinence during Lent? (Yes)
What can we eat that is not meat? (Fish and other seafood, vegetables, eggs, milk and other dairy products.)
Do we fast and do abstinence every day during Lent? No, we only fast and do abstinence on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. During Lent, every Friday we must practice abstinence (not eat meat).
During the forty days of Lent we are like a caterpillar. We try to change to live our new life more fully.
We try to do more things that show we love God. How could we show our love for God? (By praying and listening to his Word.)
We try to love others as Jesus did. We do special things for others during Lent. We try to change. We want to become people who do not hurt others by what we say or do.
Ask student questions from the Lent Take Home Sheet out loud in class.
Introduce activities: What do you know about Lent? Let’s find out. We Believe
All About Lent- Grade 3, Chapter 20, (Pick the grade, type of visitor, and click on Go To. Look under Printable Activities and click on Chapters). A booklet you make to share with others what you know about Lent. My Lenten Resolution Egg
Every Sunday during Lent, think back on your week and decide how well you did with your resolution. Check the box that best describes your effort. The Liturgical Season of Lent (mini book)
Encourage learners to put their thoughts and creativity to work creating these mini-books that they either illustrate, write or write and illustrate. Each book has 8 pages including a title and end page. Print out, fill in, cut apart and staple together. Glue onto our keepsake pages below to create a library of your child's work or document their learning. About Lent lesson with activities Lenten Notebooking Sheet Set
This set of fourteen sheets offers different line spacing options and many distinct layouts. The simple text used, and graphics incorporated within the design, add meaning to the sheets while space is allotted for creativity and reflection. Lenten Prayer Project
Use this daily prayer project for special intentions during the 40-day season of Lent. Intentions can be for family members, friends, your priest, ministry workers, the ill, departed loved ones, needs of the world - just about anything you feel needs specific prayer.
The project spans the entire season of Lent, however, it can be started after Ash Wednesday and used for the remaining portion of the time. It requires a special intention be picked everyday and written on the prayer pieces provided. (Drawing and affixing pictures or photographs are fine alternatives to writing as well.) Pieces are then posted on a bulletin or mantle piece, and a decade of the Rosary is prayed and offered for the specified intention. A progress chart is also included for daily use, if desired.
Expect to find in this project file a convenient instruction sheet that also reminds one how to say a decade of the Rosary, daily progress sheet and 42 prayer pieces (forty plus two spares.)
This project is simple and requires only a few minutes a day to complete; however, the rewards will be great as we help others and prepare our hearts for our Lord's Resurrection.
Introduce craft: What happens to a caterpillar? He changes into a butterfly. What are we supposed to do during Lent? We are to change. We are going to make something to show us how the caterpillar changed into a butterfly to remind us that we are to change during Lent and become more like Jesus. Butterfly
Where do butterflies come from?

Curl the butterfly's wings and slide it into the chrysalis.
Pull the stick to make the beautiful butterfly come out of the chrysalis. Egg Carton Caterpillar
This is an easy way to make caterpillars using egg cartons, crayons or markers, scissors, and pipe cleaners. You could also have the students decorate the caterpillar by gluing small objects like beads, craft foam, cut out paper shapes, etc. Googly eyes are a nice touch also. I use this craft to emphasize that they are to change during Lent. I then at Easter use a butterfly craft to show how the caterpillar changed and became a butterfly.
Introduce craft/activity: What are alms? Long ago money given to the poor was called alms. We are going to make an Alms Jar to take home to remind us the importance of almsgiving and giving to the poor.
Alms Jar
Need: Jar with lid, sticker with “Alms Jar” printed on it, various things to glue on jar, glue
Directions: Have students decorate alms jar. Have them put sticker “Alms Jar” on the jar when they are finish decorating the jar.
The whole family can enter into the spirit of saving for alms. A glass jar is placed at the center of the table on Ash Wednesday, and all the money each family member saves as a result of self-denial from smoking, eating candy, going to movies or similar activities is put into it. Whatever you are sacrificing during Lent, that money you would of spent goes into the jar. The mother, buying simpler and cheaper foods for Lenten meals, puts the difference into the jar at meal time — so all can see where the cost of the dessert went! The children spend the first weeks of Lent investigating needy causes and charitable organizations and missions. They will have the responsibility of determining who gets the alms-fund. (Print this out and glue on an index card. Attach it or put inside the Alms Jar for the students to bring home for family to read). Lenten Sacrifice Beans
A wonderful way to help younger children remind them to do penance during Lent, lima beans in a jar record each Lenten sacrifice.
Prayer Jar by Instead of just writing down a petition for our Lenten prayer jar, paperdali decided to draw the little petitions. Each strip has a picture and the beginning of a prayer for a child (or adult, actually) to finish. To enjoy, just download the page, cut along the dotted line, put them in a jar, and then put it in an accessible spot. During Lent, a child (or adult) can take out a strip during breakfast and begin the day with a prayer.
Introduce game: How well do you know Lent? Let’s find out. Bible Tic Tac Toe
Scroll down near the bottom for directions. Use Lent questions from above to play this game.
Bible Bowl- Students will test their Bible knowledge as they bowl their way to win. Use Lent trivia questions to play this game. (The Super Bible Game Book by Linda Standke, page 121 - 127).
The following games are free, however they are only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.
Journey Through Lent Game- A fun way to review Lent.
Cube Signs for Journey Through Lent Game- Print, cut out, and glue on die to play game.
Hangman- (Players try to solve the Lent mystery word). The teacher picks a Lent word that is written on a piece of paper out of a bowl. The teacher then starts the hangman game by writing a blank line for each letter in the word. Teacher then picks someone to guess a letter. (Write on the chalkboard the letters that were guessed that were not in the mystery word). If a letter is guess correctly, it is written in the appropriate blank(s) and that person who guessed correctly gets another turn. They can guess another letter or guess the mystery word. If the person is incorrect, another player gets a turn. Whoever guessed the mystery word gets to pick a Lent word out of the bowl and start the hangman game.
Introduce snack: What is supposed to happen to us during Lent? We are to try and be more like Jesus. Popcorn Praises
Lenten Hot Cross Buns- Story with song and directions to make Lenten Hot Cross Buns. (Kids Explore American's Catholic Heritage, page 165).
Introduce snack: What used to be the Lenten bread in the early centuries of the Christian era? (The pretzel.) Introduction: We are going to make pretzels too (recipe included). Pretzel Recipe Mini Soft Pretzels with Dip
Make these easy pretzels with or without dip. A great reference for Lent. Soft Pesto Pretzels
Make this easy pretzel recipe without pesto and cheese using refrigerated breadsticks. Sprinkle with caraway seed and coarse salt before baking.
Puzzles, Mazes, Worksheets:
Printable Lenten Calendar for children- by We Believe
All About Lent- Grade 3, Chapter 20, (Pick the grade, type of visitor, and click on Go To. Look under Printable Activities and click on Chapters). A booklet you make to share with others what you know about Lent. We Believe
Worksheet- Draw a picture of something you can do during Lent. Then, use a purple crayon to trace the words below. Grade 1, Chapter 20 (Pick the grade, type of visitor, and click on Go To. Look under Printable Activities and click on Chapters). Lent (maze) We Believe
Lent (word search) Grade 2, Chapter 20 (Pick the grade, type of visitor, and click on Go To. Look under Printable Activities and click on Chapters). Lent Word Search Puzzle Lent (crossword) Lenten (crossword) What Will You Do For Lent?
This F3 activity helps explain a bit about prayer fasting, almsgiving and penitence and prompts children to learn even more about these traditional facets of one of the most beloved liturgical seasons of the year.
These puzzles/activity sheets are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.
Ash Wednesday- word search
Ash Wednesday- crossword
Ash Wednesday Worksheet- Have the students fill in the blanks on their paper with the correct answer from the word bank.
How Much Do You Know About Lent?- 20 true or false with Answers
Homework: : Prayers and Take Home Sheet (It is in MS Word and can be changed any way you like according to your student’s abilities.)
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