Temptation of Jesus
Objectives: The students will be able to
- retell the story The Temptation of Jesus
- explain why Jesus always answered the devil with scripture
- explain why we are tempted and how we can resist temptation
Prayer, Take Home Sheet, and vocabulary from last week’s lesson and also Objects Used as Mass cards: (show picture cards that we have done thus far)
Vocabulary Words: (Write words on the board and discuss with class)
tempted- trick or cause desire or craving to happen in somebody
devil- a fallen angel, especially Satan, the chief of the bad angels
Satan- another name for the devil
worship- respect given for a holy being
angel- messengers of God
Read story: “The Temptation of Jesus” and ask question from Take Home Sheet that will be sent home today.
Introduce activities: Who tried to tempt Jesus out in the desert?
sermons4kids.com- Who Says? object lesson with coloring page, puzzles, quiz
sermons4kids.com- Who Says? (group activities) games, crafts, songs, etc.
sermons4kids.com- Resisting Temptation object lesson with coloring page, puzzles, quizzes
sermons4kids.com- Resisting Temptation (group activities) games, songs, etc.
sermons4kids.com- The Temptation of Christ object lesson (You can also use this for an intro to the snack if you choose to have bite size candy bars).
sermons4kids.com- What Did Jesus Do? object lesson
kidsclubs4jesus.com- Mt. of Temptation lesson with puzzles, coloring sheet, Bible readings, questions, memory verses, key points, object lesson, drama, puppets, etc. (These files are set up and formatted so that they can be easily made into weekly booklets for your children's ministry, youth ministry, etc., with 4 sheets of legal paper and two staples).
children.calvarychapel.com- Jesus is Tempted, Submit to God Resist the Devil lessons with memory verses, circle the correct words, true or false, fill in the blanks, puzzles, and color sheets.
dltk-bible.com- Jesus Rap
A rap song about Jesus being tempted in the wilderness.
More Crafts
Introduce craft: We are tempted every day. How can we make to help remind ourselves to do the right thing?
dltk-bible.com- What Would Jesus Do mobile
makingfriends.com- What Would Jesus Do crafts
beau.org- Witness Bracelet Craft
dltk-bible.com- Paper Bead Cross
kidsdomain.com- Beaded Cross Necklace
A very nice necklace for boys and girls. Be sure to make the string at least 36 inches long to fit over their heads. Craft cord can be used as well.
christiancrafters.com- Colors of Christ Cross
Neat tip at the bottom for younger students.
More Games
Introduce game- How did Satan tempt Jesus? (Told him to turn stones into bread. He told him that he would give him the kingdoms of the world. He told him to jump off the roof of a temple and the angels would come and lift him up so that he wouldn't be hurt.)
Temptation Obstacle Course- The Encyclopedia of Bible Games for Children’s Ministry, page 73.
christiancrafters.com- Survivor Temptation Island
Through various fun games, activities, and group Bible discussions, participants will learn that temptation is from Satan and can lead to sin. Participants will also learn how to receive God's power to resist Satan's temptations. Event lasts approximately 3.5 hours. For grades 5 and up.
Introduce game: What are you tempted to do when you are not doing well during a game? Discuss. Let’s see if you can resist temptation while playing this fun game!
Resist the Temptation Putt-Putt
Make a putt-putt golf course.
creativekidsathome.com- Indoor Miniature Golf
familyfun.go.com- Safari Miniature Golf Set
Resist the Temptation File Folder Game: The object of the game is to resist the temptation just like Jesus did.
This game is free, however it is only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.
Game Boards- Print out Game Board, trim, and glue on the inside of the file folder. Make sure the directions are on the front of the file folder. Laminate or cover file folder with clear contact paper to make it last. (2 Game Boards to choose from).
Game Board #1
Game Board #2
Directions- Print out Directions, cut it out, and glue on front of file folder.
Temptation Cards- Print Temptation Cards out on card stock. Cut out Temptation Cards. Laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last.
Introduce snack: If you went out into the desert, what would you bring? Let’s make some Trail Mix that could help us survive.
cdkitchen.com- Trail Mix and Granola Recipes
academy.com- Sweet Trail Mix
chex.com- Buttery Trail Mix
camping.about.com- Honey Nut Os Mix
cheerios.com- Munchy Trail Mix
Puzzles, Mazes, Worksheets:
More 365 Activities for Kids- do Jesus was Tempted by Satan spot the difference puzzle on August 18.
Satan Tries to Tempt Jesus- The pictures below tell the story of Jesus in the desert. But they are all mixed up. Number them in the order that they happened. (Big Puzzles for Little Hands: Jesus’ Life and Lessons by Carla Williams, page 23).
bbc.co.uk- Jesus is Tempted worksheets
gardenofpraise.com- The Temptation of Jesus (word search)
sermons4kids.com- The Temptation of Jesus (word search)
sermons4kids.com- The Temptation of Jesus (alphabet soup)
sermons4kids.com- The Temptation of Jesus (crossword)
sermons4kids.com- The Temptation of Jesus (word shape)
sermons4kids.com- The Temptation of Jesus (multiple choice)
sermons4kids.com- The Temptation of Jesus (scrambled sentences)
Homework: Prayers and Take Home Sheet (It is in MS Word and can be changed any way you like according to your student’s abilities.)
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