Friday, March 16, 2012

Winning back the White House by any means necessary.

My governor here in Pistolvania has been on a roll lately. He told women to just close their eyes and enjoy a foreign object poking around in their vagina, and his new budget proposal cuts college funding by over 600 million dollars. Then, to top it off, he is aligning himself with the rest of the charlatans and politricksters in his party by signing off on a nefarious plot to win back the White House and disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters here in Pistolvania.

By signing the voter ID bill, HB 934 into law here in Pistolvania, he has cemented his legacy as nothing more than a political hack who cares more about his party than the people of his state.

So why was House Bill-934 even necessary in the first place? Republicans claim that it will reduce voter fraud, but is that really necessary? Let's see now, between 2002 and 2007 the Justice Department found only 86 cases of voter fraud out of 300 million votes cast.  In Pistolvania we have had 20 million votes cast since 2004, and there has been exactly four (yes, FOUR) convictions for voter fraud. This little scheme to crack down on imaginary voter fraud is going to cost our state between five to eleven million dollars.

But we all know what this is all about. Pistolvania is a crucial swing state in the presidential elections, and the votes here are always close. Keeping those poor people, the elderly, and Negroes away from the voting booth could make a huge difference in the next presidential election. 

"They purveyors of voter fraud fear also have decades of practice. The modern crusade against voter fraud started in the civil rights era of the 1960s, with growing anxieties among white politicians and voters over the growing power of black and urban voters.

As historian Rick Perlstein documents, Republicans tapped into -- and inflamed -- these fears with outrageous claims of black voter fraud, which not only riled up the conservative base, but also laid the groundwork for "anti-fraud" campaigns that could depress Democratic turnout."

Ok, so it's all about politics. Well, two can play that game. Waiting for the Obama Justice Department to step in here and stop Pistolvania in 10-9-8-7-.......

Finally, I want to do something unpopular and what no other blogger will have the guts to do. I want to defend the hard core porn industry in this country.
Unfortunately, they are coming under attack from one of the republican presidential candidates.

"Rick Santorum has made a campaign promise to bar "hardcore pornography" from American websites, magazines and television, but industry giants who produce much of the nation's porn aren't worried that the crusading candidate will stop the multibillion dollar industry from churning out the next "Deep Throat."

"I don't see a danger," Michael Lucas, New York's largest producer of gay adult films, told Yahoo News. "There's no danger that he will be the Republican Party nominee."

Santorum's campaign posted a position paper on its website in February that vowed to "vigorously" enforce obscenity laws and restrict the distribution of hardcore pornography, which it says has reached "pandemic" levels. The former Pennsylvania senator said he will "prohibit distribution of hardcore (obscene) pornography on the Internet, on cable/satellite TV, on hotel/motel TV, in retail shops and through the mail or by common carrier." [Source]

WTF? I think I speak for every red blooded A-merry-can when I say that this is bull s*&^! So if Ricky is elected there will be no more porn available on our computers. This means that most of his supporters will not be able to secretly get their freak on with their Internet girl when they go home from bible studies.

This is why this guy is dangerous. Sorry Rick, we don't need Taliban style laws here in the land of the free legislating our morality.

"Pandemic levels"? I will tell you what has reached "pandemic levels": stupid "closed- minded" people. It has gotten so bad that some of them are actually running for president.

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