Monday, September 19, 2011

Road To Emmaus (file folder game)

This game is free, however it is only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.

Road To Emmaus File Folder Game: Be the first one to Emmaus and back to Jerusalem and win the game!

Directions: Place your marker at the Upper Room in Jerusalem. Roll the dice and move that many spaces on the board. If you land on “Jesus is Alive” the teacher will ask you a question about the story “Road to Emmaus”. If you are correct, you stay where you are. If you are not correct, you go back where you were. If you land on the picture of a loaf of bread, you may move ahead 2 spaces. If you land on the picture of a cross you may change places with the leader. If you roll doubles, you may roll again. Work your way to Emmaus where Jesus broke the bread with the disciples. Then you must go back to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples in the Upper Room that you saw Jesus. The first person who gets back to the Upper Room first is the winner.

Note: You do not have to land on the picture of Jesus breaking the bread in Emmaus with the exact number, but you must stop there and continue playing from that position on your next turn.

Directions- Print out Directions, cut it out, and glue on front of file folder.

Game Board- Print out Game Board, trim, and glue on the inside of the file folder. Make sure the directions are on the front of the file folder. Laminate or cover file folder with clear contact paper to make it last.

Use your own questions or use the ones below:

1. How many of Jesus’ friends were walking along the road? (2, 3)

2. Where were the men walking to? (Emmaus, Jerusalem)

3. What were the men doing as they were walking? (Singing, Talking)

4. Soon _____ caught up with the disciples and walked along with them. They did not recognize him. (Judas, Jesus)

5. The disciples were sad because _____ was dead. (Jesus, Judas)

6. When they got to Emmaus, the disciples invited the stranger to stay and have _____ with them. (lunch, dinner)

7. When they sat down to eat, the stranger picked up a loaf of bread, said a prayer, _____ the bread into pieces and gave it to the two disciples. (cut, broke)

8. Then the disciples knew that the stranger was Jesus. They stared at him for a moment and then he was _____. (dead, gone)

7. The disciples ran all the way back to _____ and found the other disciples and some of Jesus’ other friends and told them what happened. (Jerusalem, Bethlehem)

8. At first, the disciples did not believe them, but one said, “It must be true; _____ has seen him.” (John, Peter)

9. The _____ they were in was locked because they were afraid of the Roman rulers and chief priests. (tomb, room)

10. Suddenly, Jesus appeared in the room with them and they thought he was a _____. (soldier, ghost)

11. Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid. Look at the wounds on my hands and _____.(feet, arms)

12. Jesus said, “Touch me and see that I am made of flesh and _____." (blood, bone)

13. Have you anything to _____?” asked Jesus. (eat, drink)

14. What did they give Jesus to eat? (Fish, Lamb)

15. Were the disciples finally convinced that Jesus was really alive? (Yes, No)

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