Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Success Principles ~ Principle 17

Principle 17 of Jack Canfield's Success Principles is a very straightforward, incredibly simple, incredibly effective and often avoided: Ask. Jack points out that often we don't ask out of fear of being rejected, but in the not asking, we're actually pre-emptively rejecting ourselves! Without asking, we are guaranteed to get to experience the "not having."

So why are we so fearful about asking? Jack identifies some common reasons as fearing looking needy or foolish, fearing rejection. Personally, for me it's more related to not wanting to trouble someone. You see, I've grown up with the double whammy of being "a good girl" and a "polite Canadian," both of which smile nicely and are undemanding. Man, I'm so glad I've learned that you can be good and polite and still say, "Would it be possible to get that in grey?" What gets in the way of you asking?

Jack gives some useful tips on asking for what you want:
  • Ask as if you expect to get it.
  • Assume you can.
  • Ask someone who can give it to you.
  • Be clear and specific.
  • Ask repeatedly.

So this week's task is simple. With confidence and clarity ask the right person for what you would like. Remember, the right person might be the Universe or whatever you call the powers that be. And also, you can start small. Ask about something that you want but that you're not deeply emotionally invested in. Ask your server for that extra mayo on your sandwich. Ask the bus driver to call out your stop. If you start getting into the habit of asking, you just might get into the habit of receiving.

What have you been wanting to ask for? This is the week to take the plunge.

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