Looks like you Negroes are rioting out in Oaktown. (I prefer the term uprising) And, to think, the Raiders didn't even win the Superbowl. Negroes hate what they perceive as injustice. Two years in the big house for Oscar Grant's killer doesn't sit well; as it shouldn't, but riots? I don't know.
If it were up to me I would find other s&*t to riot about: like these past mid-term elections, and the constant fear mongering and race baiting used by some poli-tricksters to get elected. If we really want to loot and burn s*&t in our neighborhoods we should be burning the liquor stores and the broken down schools that keep churning out kids who can't master the basics in education. Not to mention that mega churches who just take and never give back. But that's just me. Not that I am condoning violence or anything. I am speaking in strictly in hypothetical terms here.
(BTW, FOX NEWS studios are in New York. I am just sayin. )
Anywhooo, one of the problems I have with these uprisings, is that they always seem to be centered around the areas where the people doing the protesting actually live. Why not take the "ruckus" uptown? I am not too familiar with the Bay Area, so someone has to help me with this question: Is the East Oakland Lake Merritt part of that city predominantly black and poor? If it is, you Negroes seem to be following a very bad pattern.
Uprisings get people's attention every now and then, they were very effective in the sixties. [To get our attention]Although, sadly, some of the solutions folks tried to come up with after A-merry-ca's eyes were opened didn't necessarily give us the best results. Hopefully we won't go back to those days here in A-merry-ca. [ And it wasn't always the Negroes] Hopefully. But as wealth and justice gets more scarce every day, the natives continue to get more restless. Seems like it's too much for even us happy and seemingly content A-merry-cans to take.
You can only pursue happiness for so long. At some point the pursuit will stop.
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