No, I'm not showing the real picture. I'm showing the cover-up.
But here's the story:
My daughter is getting married in June. I'm starting the hair maintenance on all three of the hairs on my head now.
I went for a trim yesterday. I left with a radical, random cut just outside my left eye that is the very same length as the bangs in front. I did not request this.
There are bigger problems to stew about in life; this is true.
But I am still trying to wrap my head around this, no pun intended.
What was she thinking? Parakeets have eyes on the sides of their heads; perhaps they need bangs on the sides of their heads. Last time I checked my three hairs, they were not feathers but indeed hair. And my eyes are on the front of my head.
Evidence: Parakeet, eyes on sides of head:

Me: Eyes on front of head.
So now I'm swooping the two hairs on the right side of my head over to the left in an attempt to cover up the carnage, which wants to curl up like the section of hair in this pic:
Picture the rest of the hair behind that swoop shoulder length. It's just so RANDOM.
OK, rant over. For now.
Tweet, tweet.
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