But it was 100% free, so, you know; I'm pretty much satisfied, and that's worth a lot these days, especially after the election, which has the winners gloating and rubbing it in and the losers whining. No one's happy. So I decided to be happy with my free blog design.
How do you like the new glass half-FULL me? It's "change you can believe in." (Um, for now, at least during this post.)
I began re-designing at 2:00 a.m., and it is now 4:27 a.m. I need to go back to bed because tomorrow (today?) is a big day at work. It's the annual Hillcroft Services Thanksgiving dinner in the Oneighty building, with the annual favorite entertainment: Elvis. Or a reasonable facsimile.
Yes, every year, The King of Peanut Butter and Nanner Sandwiches gets our building rocking, and every year, I'm just a little bit scared of him and kind of stay back in the shadows because Elvis is very friendly, ifyaknowwhatimean.
But you know, this year, I'll be so sleep deprived that I might lose all my inhibition and just go with it, the ambiance.
Because you all know how I like scarves.
And this isn't even close to displaying the whole collection.
Mama needs a new scarf to go with the new blog design!

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