Before a student can attend CCD, the parents must fill out a registration form. The form differs from parish to parish, but most are relatively the same. Each year a new registration form needs be filled out by the parent to keep it up to date.
*NOTE- Having a registration form for each student (one form per child) makes is easier for the DRE and the office to keep records for each child.
Each registration form is usually on one or two pages and may consist of:
General Information- Student’s name, sex, birth date, age, address where they live and who they live with, parent’s name and address, religion, phone numbers (cell, home, work, emergency, etc.), e-mail, etc.
Medical- Any medical information that the program should be aware of (food allergies, taking medication, medical needs, etc.)
Child’s Physician- Name of physician and contact information.
Special Needs- Does the student have special needs? (Physical, Learning Disability, etc.)
Sacraments Received- Chart of the sacraments received: (Baptized, First Penance/Reconciliation, First Communion, Confirmation). The chart should include: Sacrament, Year, Church, City/State, Copy of Certificate Attached. Having this in a chart makes it easier for the DRE to see what the child has completed and what needs to be done.
Choice of Day/Time Preference of CCD- Class assignments are usually made on a first-come, first-placed basis in regards to the first choice of sessions. When to register for CCD classes depends upon the parish. Catechists, aides, and volunteers may have the opportunity to register their children during a pre-registration period in the spring. Following pre-registration, those families with children currently enrolled in the program may receive an application for registration. All completed applications usually need to be hand delivered or mailed to the Religious Education Office and include payment in full before they can be accepted.
Fee- If the parish has a fee for CCD, full payment is usually required before the child is accepted and assigned a class. The fee can be $15 - $75 for one child and can reach up to $150. Additional children from one family are charged a lesser fee usually according to how many children they have. Sacramental classes are sometimes an added expense and charge an extra $25 to $50, sometimes more. Catechists usually can register early and their children can sometimes go free. In some parishes by registering early, families can receive a discount. Financial Aid may be offered for those families that can demonstrate a true need. Decisions regarding financial aid are typically made by the DRE in consultation with the priest.
Concerns of Parent(s)- medical, educational, etc.
Emergency Medical Release Statement - Parents are sometimes required to sign an emergency medical release statement: As a parent and/or guardian, I do herewith authorize the treatment by a qualified and licensed medical doctor of the following minor in the event of a medical emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger his or her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment or undue discomfort if delayed. This authority is granted only after a reasonable effort has been made to reach me.
Picture/Name Permission- Parents can choose whether or not they give the religious education program permission to take pictures and use the name of their child.
CCD Program Parent/Student Handbook- Before your child can attend CCD the CCD Program Parent/Student Handbook must be read, signed, and dated by the parent(s) and the child.
Signature of Parent(s) and Date- By signing this it verifies that I understand the information in the registration form and that the above information that I provided is correct.
*What else could be in the CCD Registration Form? Please leave a comment and add to the list.
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