I have cousins on both sides of my family whom I dearly love.
One is my Pam, who was one of my first "friends" in life. Some of our best memories include camping together when we were little. Pam is 3 years older than I am, and miles and miles sweeter. I was a mean, ornery little thing, and sometimes I'm embarrassed by how good she was and how bad I was. As a matter of fact, sometimes I'm embarrassed for that same reason right now. Here is a pic of us camping. We liked to color, pretend to be Indians (Native Americans, sorry) and melt crayons in the campfire. If you don't believe me about the orneriness, look at her face, then look at mine. {Blushes. "oy."}

On my mom's side, I have three female cousins whom I love dearly, as well. One is a little younger, named Sonia, a sweet little blonde who resembles me physically, but unlike me and like Pam, does not have a mean bone in her body. I inherited all the mean bones. No pics of Soni, or maybe my mom has them. Note to self: steal pics of Sonia at next visit.
I have a set of cousins on Mom's side who grew up in Anaheim. Beckie and Kathy are about 5 or 6 six years older than I am. Although I only saw them every 3 or 4 years when I was little, I wrote to them all the time, and because they were so kind to me, I worshiped the So Cal ground they walked on and wanted to be just like them. Or BE THEM, which would have been way better. They were gorgeous teenagers, like Malibu Barbies. I wish I had older pics to share. Like I said, I keep robbing my mom of pics every time I visit her, so I have to do it slowly and surreptitiously or she will catch on. See? Still ornery after all these years.

Thanks, Co-Lid, for the memory-jarring!
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