Something has happened inside me: the fire in my soul which always burns [I may not be talking about it, but it's always smoldering] with love for shoes has been fed and bolstered somehow, some way, not sure what happened ... but I have been buying a "few" pairs for this summer -- "few" enough that I can't even remember where I bought these. I think they are J.C. Penney shoes. ("J.C." of course, standing for "joyously cute.")
They represent the color of this summer for me: hot pink. Shoes, toenails, dresses, lipstick ... the list goes on. I'm so ready for vacation in a tropical zone that I can hardly stand it. So until then, I put on the hot pink, and I'm almost there!
What are you favorite summer shoes, and YES, flip flops count--but what do they look like?
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