From time to time a catechist must be absent for various reasons. When this happens a substitute must take over your classroom and be able to teach your students.
What should a catechist do when they are absent?
• Follow the procedure for being absent that is written in the catechist handbook that you signed to verify that you understood what your responsibilities are and the rules that you must follow. Contact the appropriate personnel when you find out when you will be absent. The sooner the better to allow the substitute time to make arrangements to come to your class and review your lesson plan.
• Have a complete lesson plan written up.
• Write up the normal procedures you do in the class in the order that you do them (attendance, homework, handouts, dismissal, etc.). Include the daily schedule (times, activity, etc.) accommodations for various students, rules for the classroom, discipline procedures, class reward system, how to communicate with parents, information concerning any special needs students in your classroom, seating chart, emergency information, list of students with behavior problems (give tips and suggestions for behavior), fill in activities (when the students have finished with all their activities and there are a few more minutes until class is over), feedback form, etc.
• Any suggestions or tips that can enhance the learning of the students.
• Create a substitute teacher packet. This can be put in a folder or binder to give to substitutes. (Put the above information in it for the substitute so they can do their job efficiently and effectively.)
office.microsoft.com- what to put in the substitute information folder
jc-schools.net- some possible items to include
712educators.about.com- substitute folders
ehow.com- How to Make a Preschool Substitute Teacher Folder
office.microsoft.com- Substitute Teacher Instructions: Use this template to create substitute teacher instructions, including essential information such as administrative contacts, classroom policies, and lesson plans.
office.microsoft.com- Substitute Feedback Form: Use this template to create a feedback form to be completed by the substitute teacher
• Email or deliver the lesson plan and the substitute teacher packet to the DRE and/or substitute as soon as possible. This allows the substitute time to go over all the information and ask any questions if needed. You can also have a copy of the substitute teacher packet in your classroom or give one to the DRE so it can be found easily and given to the substitute.
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