It's been twenty years since Joe and I have had a puppy, and we are both utterly smitten with this little guy. Neither of us has much memory of the puppyhood of the three other dogs we have had in our nearly 43 years together. There were two previous English Springer Spaniels and one Cocker Spaniel with an attitude, and now this darling little guy, Blackberry. We're so in love with him that we don't even mind getting up to take him out during the night. If you've heard reports of a gray-haired woman in a bathrobe and bright pink Crocs out on her lawn being silly in the wee hours, well, you know who it is.
Commencement at the Quaker school where I work is tomorrow evening. It is a lovely affair, held out in the grove by the meeting house. We have about 60 graduates this year and it has been lovely watching all of the traditions unfold again as the seniors hand over the leadership of the school to the juniors. The diplomas are all signed and tomorrow morning I'll put them inside their cases.
The public school at the end of our street held its Commencement tonight, having postponed it from last night due to rainy weather. They probably had about ten times the number of graduates that we have!
The other morning as I was driving to school, the classical radio station I listen to in the car began to play "Pomp and Circumstance," and it wasn't finished when I pulled into the parking lot. It didn't seem at all right to just turn the radio off. So I sat there in the car, listening to the rest of it, and felt all sentimental, thinking of all the new beginnings that I've witnessed, participated in, and heard about.
Come on, all together now, "Baaah, ba ba ba baaah baaah, bum bu bu bu BUM . . . "
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