The Plan: Phase 2 of 30 x 5, Starts Tomorrow. TOMORROW.

Many of you have expressed interest in continuing our new quest toward regular, attainable movement. That is excellent. That is called "forward momentum," my friends. Un-cha, Un-cha, Un-cha. "Un-cha" is me dancing in my chair right now doing that thing where people put both clenched fists out parallel in front of them and sort of jerk them around in a circle like a lawn sprinkler. Kinda like this, only palms down:

We're going to continue moving our 30 minutes for 5 days per week for two weeks, but we're adding a component. We're saying "no" to something to say "yes" to something else.
We're saying "no" to any random 100 calories each day to say "yes" to: "Am I making better choices?" "Am I in control of little mindless compusions to eat?" "Do I want to look and feel sleeker and more energetic?"
We want to answer "yes" to those questions. And we will.
By the way, this 100 calorie denial is to be in your head and inaccurate.
Yes, you read that right. In your head, and inaccurate--or approximate. No writing down or consulting Google or Oprah. Just guessing. GUESSING.
Because getting it exactly right "to-the-calorie" is for legalists and perfectionists. I refuse. I refuse!
So, for instance, I will do my 30-45 minutes on the elliptical, and then at some point during the day, I'm going to forego some extra calories LIKE LEFTOVER EASTER CANDY, thereby skipping 100 calories (or so). I'm saying "no" to Sweetart Easter chicks and bunnies to say "yes" to no jiggling muffin top this summer.

According to the University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension online newsletter called Food Reflections, "It takes an excess of about 3,500 calories to gain a pound. Break that into smaller bites and 100 extra calories a day can put on about 10 pounds a year. The GOOD NEWS is LOSING 10 pounds can be as easy as eating 100 calories LESS each day for a year."
Wow. It doesn't take much to come up with 100 calories. I bet if I can make just the tiniest changes, I could drop 100 cals per day. And so could you.
And just in case you literally have no idea about calories or if you simply like easy quizzes, there's an online quiz called, "What Does 100 Calories Look Like?" at Women's Health that can help you figure out what a 100-calorie serving might look like. For instance, 1/6 of a large order of McDonald's fries is 100. Ten Peanut M & M's is 100.
But basically, if you want to know a good estimate, try not eating something roughly the size of your thumb. That ought to do it.
So can we do this? Can we keep the 30 x 5 forward momentum going and drop 100 pesky calories the size of our thumbs for the next two weeks? Can we?

Leave a comment if you're in for the next two weeks!

As always, grab the button!
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