Envious, that's what I am. On two levels.
Sure, I'd like a bodily makeover from head to toe. But instead of Mr. Tim Gunn or Bob or Jillian helping me, Mr. Elliptical is kicking my patootie.
And here's what I look like after an hour with Mr. E.:
Smeared mascara.
Swallowing water.
Tired and doubtful.
But there's another makeover I'm working on, and you're looking at it right now. The blog, that is.
A week or so ago, I posted a poll asking your opinions about making over 2nd Cup. The overwhelming majority of you said, "Keep the cappuccino machine." I'll try. But I think it's what makes my page load more slowly than some.
They say you start to lose readers after 4 seconds of loading. I just did a test, and I think it takes 6 because of my machine image. Would you like to test your upload time? Go here and insert your URL.
Anyway, I'm leading towards bold colors with lots of white space because I want to look neat and clean. I think it's a Spring cleaning thing. And guess what I noticed? It's funner to do cyber Spring cleaning than washing windows!
30 x 5 - 100: So what approximate 100 cals did you say "no" to lately? I turned down bagels and rich coffee flavoring. I did have a small chocolate, so that wasn't great. But look at what all I would have had, had I not been mindful of saying "no" to something! So that plus one hour with Mr. E. is my latest 30 x 5 - 100 update.
And now I'd like to share something that I discovered through Missy at It's Almost Naptime. This is my Hollywood movie premiere of "Jorge and Linda." It's approximately one minute long, and the best part is near the end. See how I tied the first line of this post to the last? Yeah ... un-cha! Let's dance!
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