And the nerve of DeeDee at Fiddledeedee to post: On Saturday, Fiddledaddy took the children out of the house to go swimming. Because Florida forgot Spring and rocketed directly into Summer.
For realsies, DeeDee?
So I'm watching American Idol right now, and tonight's theme is "Contestants Pick a Song a From the Year They Were Born." Wow. We're reaching clear back to 'N Sync.
Speaking of reaching back, they showed the judges' baby pictures tonight, and Ryan's pic was the cutest of all because he had little big bunny teeth. Completely adorable.
The oldest contestant, Danny Gokey, was born in 1980. Sigh. I am old. Ye olde, to be exact.
Glad we got the enigma of Lil Rounds' name cleared up. She is, thank goodness, not "Lih-ull Rounds," as Simon calls her. "Lil" is in fact the diminutive of Lillian. And so we can learn from this that "Li'l Kim," the rapper turned "Dancing With the Stars" star, is not "Li'l" as in "little" at all. She is actually "Lillian Kim," which immediately klassies her up a little bit. Same with "Li'l Richard." He is in fact "Lillian Richard," which suits him like an Alfred Dunner ensemble fits Beyonce.
I know this isn't an original comment, but I do think so far that everyone's just mediocre tonight, truly like pretty good karaoke.
I like Anoop, but I think his look needs some polishing up. Last week Scott had a new 'do, and I'd like to see Anoop get a makeover, too. He looks very boyish, which is great if you are Anoop's mom or grandmom, but after all, as Ryan says, this is American Idol.
That sounds really bad. I'd hate to think what Anoop would say if he decided to critique me. Especially since I'm sitting here in pajamas eating almonds out of a can.
By the way, the can my almonds are in is exactly the same shape/height as my Italian bread crumb can, which is what I accidentally pulled out of the cabinet and sat down with here at the computer to eat. "Yep, just gnoshin' on some Italian bread crumbs! Mmmm!"
I've noticed my appetite has picked up in the last couple of days. Probably because I'm exercising more. But I'm still not going for bread crumbs.
OK--the show is back on.
The songs these people are choosing are terrible! Point in fact: Survivor "The Search is Over?"
Really? Oh, I think maybe the competition is over for Scott. But he is so sweet.
Why does everyone look so young?
Oh yeah, I forgot: "Sigh. I am old. Ye olde."
What did you think of Allison Iraheta's version of "I Can't Make You Love Me?" I thought it was all right, but I'd probably leave Bonnie Raitt alone, just as they should leave Whitney, Mariah, Aretha, Christina, and Kathie Lee Gifford alone.
Did you catch the "How Lovely to Be a Woman" Walmart commercial? Don't know who's singing it, but I'm suspicious. Where has Megan Joy Quarky Corkrey been lately? I think she might have slipped one over on us in this commercial.
OK, the judges went nuts for Matt Giraud and Adam Lambert. I'm not getting it.
I didn't even recognize Adam's song, and apparently, upon Googling it, I found it was originally done by Tears for Fears, the group which recorded one of my all-time favorite songs ever, "Everybody Wants to Rule the World."
Ok, I just looked at a couple of videos of this song, and I def prefer the 1982 original to the others. Go 80s! Ye olde 80s.
Well, time to sign off here because I've got a Ken Lee Cake in the oven (seriously, I do) and Biggest Loser waiting on Tivo.

30 x 5'ers: Tomorrow, Thursday the 9th, is the day you are supposed to post a little somethin'-somethin' about this experience, good, bad or indifferent, and link up here. Then we can all share. Last time I tried this, like four people linked up. Now you have had plenty of warning time, so get thinkin' about what you want to say. It doesn't have to be a dissertation, just a few lines will do.
My plan is that we will call it a day (call it a two weeks?) and rest over Easter. And then I'd like to propose one more idea along these lines.
Remember: Leave those chocolate bunnies ears INTACT. And link up tomorrow!
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