Road to Emmaus and Thomas the Doubter
Objectives: The students will be able to
- retell the story Road to Emmaus and Thomas the Doubter
- explain why the apostles did not always recognize Jesus immediately
- explain why some do not believe until they see it with their own eyes or touch it
Prayer, Take Home Sheet, and vocabulary from last week’s lesson and also Objects Used as Mass cards: (show picture cards that we have done thus far)
Vocabulary Words: (Write the bold words on the board and discuss with class)
Jerusalem- the capital of Israel and holy city of the Jews (show students this on a map or have one of the students find it on a map).
Emmaus- near Jerusalem (show students this on a map or have one of the students find it on a map).
Recognize- you know who the person is by looking at him
Stranger- someone you do not know
Prophets- someone who knows the future
Doubter- someone who does not believe
Wound- an injury or damage to a person like a cut, etc.
Read story: "Road to Emmaus and Thomas the Doubter" and ask questions from Take Home Sheet that will be sent home today and the questions below.
Who wouldn't believe that Jesus was alive until he saw the marks of the nails on Jesus' hands and feet, and touch the wound in Jesus' side? Thomas.
When Thomas saw Jesus and saw his wounds did he believe it was Jesus? Yes.
Introduce activities: Who did the two disciples not recognize? Jesus Checking The Roll object lesson with coloring page, puzzles, fill in the blanks Checking The Roll (group activities) games, crafts, etc. It Or Not! object lesson with coloring page, puzzles, quiz Believe It Or Not! (group activities) crafts, games, songs, etc. On The Road To Emmaus object lesson with coloring page and puzzles Seeing Clearly object lesson with coloring page, puzzles, fill in the blanks Seeing Clearly (group activities) crafts, games, songs, etc. I See Some Identification, Please? object lesson Without A Doubt lesson Road To Emmaus lesson The Road To Emmaus, Thomas Doubts lesson with memory verses, circle the correct words, true or false, fill in the blanks, puzzles, and color sheets. Doubting Thomas lesson with puzzles, coloring sheet, Bible readings, questions, memory verses, key points, object lesson, drama, puppets, etc. (These files are set up and formatted so that they can be easily made into weekly booklets for your children's ministry, youth ministry, etc., with 4 sheets of legal paper and two staples).
More Crafts
Introduce craft: What was Jesus nailed to?
Forgiven- Students will make a cross out of nails. (Bible Story Crafts & Projects Children Love by Kathy Ross, pages 103 & 104). Nail Cross Easter Craft (scroll down to this craft)
Nail Cross Necklace Craft Kit- Oriental Trading Company Colors of Christ Cross
*Neat tip at the bottom for younger students.
More Games
Introduce game: Who did the two disciples not recognize? Jesus. Let’s see how well you can recognize someone.
Guess Who?
Materials: paper bag
Directions: Blindfold one student using a paper bag. Pick another student for the first student to guess who it is. The blindfolded student will try to find out who the person is by asking questions to figure out who they are. The unknown student answers the questions using a disguised voice. Once they have identified their fellow class member, that student can be blindfolded and have a turn.
Questions: Was it hard or easy to recognize the person from their voice?
Introduce game: Who wouldn't believe that Jesus was alive until he saw the marks of the nails on Jesus' hands and feet, and touch the wound in Jesus' side?
Thomas the Doubter
Need: Large nail with blunt point, 1 chair
Directions: A student is picked by the teacher to play the part of Thomas. He or she will sit in a chair with their back to the class. A large nail is put under the chair. While Thomas is turned around with his or her eyes closed, the teacher will choose a student to sneak up and take the nail and hide it somewhere on his person. When this person is ready, then everyone will say: “Doubting Thomas, where is the nail?” The teacher will then say. “Does _____ have it?” (This student may or may not have it). Thomas will then stand up and turn around. Will Thomas doubt what the teacher says or will he believe the teacher? If Thomas believes the teacher, he will say, “I believe _____ has it.” Or he will not believe the teacher and guess who might have the nail. Who ever has the nail is now Thomas.
Introduce activity: How do we know what is real or true? Two fun activities to emphasize the story Doubting Thomas.
Know For Sure Relay
Need: 2 different size boxes that have individual snacks for each child inside, tape boxes shut and do not tell the student’s what is inside the boxes
Directions: Set up a relay with two teams (if you have a lot of students, have more teams each with a box with snacks inside). Place snack boxes at another point in the room for each team to run for. Do not give the students any hints about what is in the boxes. The first student in line runs to the box, carries it back to his team and gives it to the next team member in line. This player funs it back to it’s starting point and leaves it there. The player returns and goes to the end of his team line. Repeat until everyone has had a turn.
Then hold up one of the boxes. Say: What do you think is in this box? Hold up another box and say: What about this box? Do you think both boxes have the same thing inside? Do you know for sure what is inside the boxes? How can you find out for sure? (By opening up the boxes.) We have to see with our eyes to know for sure what is inside the box don’t we? Let’s open up the boxes and see if you are right. (Let each student open up a box.) Say: We are going to have these snacks for later. (Put the boxes to the side.) Doubting Thomas (scroll down to Activity)
This game is free, however it can only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.
Road to Emmaus Game: Luke 24:13-35
Question Cards- (Use these or make your own.) Print Question Cards out on card stock. Cut out Question Cards. Laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last.
Questions & Answers- For the teacher to check answers.
Introduce snack: Do you doubt what you eat?
Have various foods for the students to try and blindfolds. Place a paper plate and spoon in front of each student. Have students pair off and one child put on a blindfold. Put one piece of food on each plate and have the student feed his partner that is blindfolded the food with a spoon. Have the students guess what they are eating. Discuss. Try other foods. Have the other student feed his partner various foods that have not been done. Discuss.
Puzzles, Mazes, Worksheets:
More 365 Activities for Kids (do the Road to Emmaus add to the picture puzzle on November 25). Stop Doubting and Believe (maze) On the Road to Emmaus (maze) On the Road to Emmaus (word search) Believe It Or Not! (word search) Jesus Appears to His Disciples (word search) Stop Doubting and Believe (crossword) Believe It Or Not! (crossword) The Doubting Disciple (jumble) On the Road to Emmaus (decoder) Thomas’ Unbelief (decoder) The Case of the Empty Tomb (multiple choice) Jesus Appears to His Disciples (fill in the blanks)
Worksheet: Road to Emmaus- Put number one through ten on the board. Read each word from the word bank. Read each question and write the correct word by the number after the student has answered the question. Have the students fill in the blanks on their paper with the correct answer from the word bank.
Homework: Prayers and Take Home Sheet (It is in MS Word and can be changed any way you like according to your student’s abilities.)
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