Today I went to three libraries. The first was the Robert Frost Library at Amherst College.

Inside is this bust of the poet Robert Frost, a teacher at Amherst College after whom the library is named.

'You push and I'll pelt.'
They so smote the garden bed
That the flowers actually knelt,
And lay lodged--though not dead.
I know how the flowers felt.
— Robert Frost
I was also at the UMass Library. I never use its official name because I disapprove of it.

Someone knocked over the cigarette disposal thing in front.

What a mess for someone to clean up!
I also went to the library at Hampshire College, which like UMass is located in Amherst.

Love is in the air at Hampshire - or at least on the ground by the picnic table.

At the Hampshire College bus stop, at first I didn't notice this smeared graffiti. Then I realized it said, DON'T TAKE MY PANTS OFF, DAD.

Is that some kind of sick joke or a cry for help?
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