Friday, June 6, 2008

Benny & The Jets

I know you're thinking..what an odd title for a blog post today. But I simply can't help it..that is what's on my mind. The reason you ask? I recently watched 27 Dresses with the cute Katherine Heigl.

While I don't think it's as funny or fun as Knocked Up..I still enjoyed it. And some scenes more then others. Like the beginning when she gets in the cab and has to change back and forth from bridemaid dresses as she's in two weddings the same night. She tells the cab driver she'll pay him so much to drive her back and forth that night but everytime he peeks in the mirror she deducts money off the amount. By the end of the night..he didn't make too much for peeking. Good one!

But back to the blog title. The bar scene where she and James are singing in the bar to Elton John's "Benny & The Jets"...waay funny! Funny as I realized that I am not the only one who has NO CLUE in the world the lyrics to the song! And that everyone makes up the craziest things..because well that is what it sounds like. I got the biggest laugh when she said "electric boobs" because for the longest time when I was younger(well shoot maybe up till recently!LOLOLOL) I thought he sang the same. And then I thought it was "electric moves" only to find out it's "electric boots"! age 38 I have just now found out the lyrics and none of them are what I think I've ever sang! How funny is that!

Here's a link to the lyrics..

It's well worth the time to read and you can click to hear a bit of the song. Too cute and I'll give the movie a B+..just for that scene alone!

We're well into the crazy 3 week period the Sandvoss family experiences this time of the year. Birthday, garage sales, dance's alot! But the good thing is by this time next's all done! YES!! (arm pump!LOL)

I have been doing some scrapping. I think it's helping to hold what little bits of brain I still have left! I have a new Dad's Day card up at The Pursuit of Craftyness. Just click on the link on the right to go there. Here's a new card..when it's closed the sandy color is apart of the ride hand side.

I used Bo Bunny Beachy Keen line, Double Dot cardstock and ribbon, Paper Salon stamp and Stickles! Love those!

Crazy weekend ahead..Garage Sale, Baseball Game, Circus, Birthday Party, Dance Recital know nothing like trying to cram in all into one weekend!

Have a good one,


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