Monday, November 27, 2006

Holy's an Update!

I'll be the first to confess it's getting harder to sit down and update my blog like I used to. Especially this time of year when my to do list is HUGE and never seems to end. Like today..went to strip our bed and wanted Scott to help me flip and turn the mattress. It's a double pillow top so it takes two of us to do this. Anyways..not to be gross..but when we moved it we saw puppy Peso has appearantly tinkled a time or two or three under our bed!!!!!!!!!! AAAHHH and therefore I had to clean the rug before we could put things back. So..when I started that I realized and saw the bedskirt was dirty, the quilt get it right. Well I can't wash a king size quilt at this spun off a trip after work to the laundromat. Gee..what fun. But it's a good thing. I washed the quilt, mattress pad and my Xmas everything's nice and clean. But that's how things get thrown off when you have plans to do other things.

So Thanksgiving is over and that means time to decorate the house. We worked this last weekend on the outside since the weather was really nice. Took FOREVER to clean out the garage and hang the lights! OMG it's getting harder and longer each year and we're young!LOL I woke up Saturday so darn sore and had hurt my back plus Friday night had an allergy attack that lingered Saturday. So it took a while to get my pep up if it ever did. But the work paid off as you can see here..

Friends of ours, Jill and Steve, very kindly gave us their Santa as they weren't planning on displaying it. The kids were really excited and funny as I was thinking we needed one! So many hours of work pays off and the neighborhood kids are praising our house! HA Sometimes it feels like a competition between whose house can look more like the Griswald's.LOL

Let's see what some great pictures of everyone on we all are..

and I can't forget's one of him..

so other than trips to the Laundromat, watching The DaVinci Code(liked the book better!,decorating the outside of the house..inside this coming weekend, scrapbook crop, and that..we're not too terribly exciting!

I'll leave you with a new layout I'm crazy over!

Have a good one..


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